Tag Archives: zelda

vNES – Free, Open Source, Online Nintendo

vNES: Virtual Nintendo Entertainment SystemI’ve got to say I think this is the most significant thing on VideoGameDJ so far, and it’s called vNES (short for Virtual Nintendo Entertainment System.) Written by Jamie Sanders under the Open Emulation Project, vNES is a Java powered website where you can play all your favorite NES games, from Zelda to Mario to Megaman, right in your web browser! No downloads, no installs, yes fun time distractions forever. I haven’t posted this since I discovered it on Thursday because everytime I open firefox it’s what happens. So what are you waiting for?
Play vNES!

Flash Flood on Game Cola: Epic Mario

Ran across this post on GameCola.net today, Nathaniel Hoover breaks down the internet superword “Epic” and links us to a bunch of kick-awesome mario games and flash movies including Super Mario Crossover, Super Mario 63, The People’s Mario and more.

Check out the post on Game Cola.

DJ CUTMAN Presents: ChipTuneMusic vol. 1 – “Sounds from 20XX”

DJ CUTMAN, just released his first mixtape in the new series ChipTuneMusic, a tribute to the artists who create music from old computers and video game systems. The 25 tracks were collected from the online Chiptune communities 8BitCollective.org and 8BitPeoples.com, websites that offer all of their releases for free. The 70 minute “mixtape” takes you on a journey through the undeniably fun and relentlessly danceable sounds of a The ChipTuneMusic World.

ChipTuneMusic Volume 1

You can learn more about DJ CUTMAN at his website, www.DjCUTMAN.com