Category Archives: MUSIC

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Now taking submissions for Chiptunes = WIN: Volume 4!

Sup y’all? =) President Hoodie from Chiptunes = WIN here with a special announcement! Namely, it’s time for….

Chiptunes = WIN: Volume 4

Submissions are now wide open to all chipartists interested in trying for a slot at this year’s 51 track roster!

Featuring 8 different judges (4 returning & 4 new) from across the chipscene, the end result of this one should be a helluva thing!

And, of course, back to master the final product once again will be everyone’s favorite video game dj, Dj CUTMAN!

Full information via the submission form below:

Best of luck to all!! ^_^

Much \m|♥♥♥♥|m/,
Brandon L Hood aka President Hoodie
Founder & Project Manager of Chiptunes = WIN

Vol. 4: Details Document:
По-русски (Russian)
Español (Spanish)
Malay (Indonesian)

Vol. 4 Submissions Form

V.3 Logo with url - 250x250 dj cutman

Dj CUTMAN – Volume III Details and Release Party

My new video game remix album, titled simply Dj CUTMAN – Volume III, will be released on Sunday, March 1st.

There will be a streaming release party on Saturday night on Twitch, starting at 8PM Eastern Time. Come hang out!

Kickstarter Alert: Amazing Retro Shooter Starr Mazer to Feature Many Chiptune Artists if Stretch Goal Reached

Imagos Software only has a few days left to raise $10,000 on their kickstarter for an amazing game that combines SCUMM elements with SHMUP fun! As chiptune fans, not only do we have a possibility of getting an awesome game for PC, Mac and Linux (possibly the consoles should they hit their stretch goal), but the possibility of getting almost 4 albums filled with chiptune regulars like Alex Mauer, Bright Primate, Cheap Dinosaurs and more should they reach their stretch goal. It’s definitely worth putting some money towards. The T-Shirt is really slick looking too.



Show you support for retro gaming goodness today and get in on this awesomeness.

Watch the Entire MAGFest 13 Chiptune Showcase

A huge Chiptune show was held at this year’s MAGFest. The show featured some of the hottest chiptune performers, including Danimal Cannon, Trey Frey, and Jake “Virt” Kaufman. Chiptune netlabel Chiptunes = WIN teamed up with the crew from Philadelphia’s Chiptune event 8Static to host a Chiptune concert on MAGFest’s main stage. MAGFest is The Music and Gaming Festival, a non-profit company that hosts video game music events across the United States.

Watch the entire, uncut concert  below, and be sure to Subscribe to This Week in Chiptune on YouTube