Tag Archives: 8-bit

Now taking submissions for Chiptunes = WIN: Volume 4!

Sup y’all? =) President Hoodie from Chiptunes = WIN here with a special announcement! Namely, it’s time for….

Chiptunes = WIN: Volume 4

Submissions are now wide open to all chipartists interested in trying for a slot at this year’s 51 track roster!

Featuring 8 different judges (4 returning & 4 new) from across the chipscene, the end result of this one should be a helluva thing!

And, of course, back to master the final product once again will be everyone’s favorite video game dj, Dj CUTMAN!

Full information via the submission form below:

Best of luck to all!! ^_^

Much \m|♥♥♥♥|m/,
Brandon L Hood aka President Hoodie
Founder & Project Manager of Chiptunes = WIN

Vol. 4: Details Document:
По-русски (Russian)
Español (Spanish)
Malay (Indonesian)

Vol. 4 Submissions Form

V.3 Logo with url - 250x250 dj cutman

Watch the Entire MAGFest 13 Chiptune Showcase

A huge Chiptune show was held at this year’s MAGFest. The show featured some of the hottest chiptune performers, including Danimal Cannon, Trey Frey, and Jake “Virt” Kaufman. Chiptune netlabel Chiptunes = WIN teamed up with the crew from Philadelphia’s Chiptune event 8Static to host a Chiptune concert on MAGFest’s main stage. MAGFest is The Music and Gaming Festival, a non-profit company that hosts video game music events across the United States.

Watch the entire, uncut concert  below, and be sure to Subscribe to This Week in Chiptune on YouTube

The Greatest Chiptune Comp in History – Chiptunes = WIN Vol. 3

The chiptune collective and compilation series Chiptunes = WIN has just put out their latest volume, with a whopping 51 TRACKS from chiptune musicians from around the world. I have the pleasure / challenge / nightmare of mastering these tracks together for the volume’s release, it was epic and I’m very happy with how it all turned out.

You can stream and download the Chiptunes = WIN: Volume 3 below. For more details, check out the FULL DETAILS page on The ChipWIN Blog.

Subscribe to Chiptunes WIN on YouTube

Internet Meme Album from ChipWIN | Chiptunes = #SrsBsns

Sup y’all? Prez Hoodie here with another fantastic Chiptunes = WIN compilation announcement!  Of course I’m talking about our latest April Fool’s release….

Chiptunes = #SrsBsns

Chiptunes = SrsBsns
Art by the always amazing Nate Horsfall of www.lightningarts.com.

‘Chiptunes = #SrsBsns’ (Serious Business) features 22 brand new meme-centric tracks (yes, they’re all written about/referencing memes :3 ) from a VERY talented array of chipartists spanning the globe. The premise is ridiculous, but the execution is damn near flawless (these cats ran with the crazy concept so very hard!).  Per the usual, artwork by Foxdragon, track order by Kubbi, and mastering by videogamedj.com’s own Dj CUTMAN.

Why? Because Chiptunes = Serious Business, duh. 8-)

As always, stream/download/donate/share the goodness via the Bandcamp embed below!

Much \m||m/,
President Hoodie
ChipWIN Project Manager

ChipWIN Links:
Chiptuneswin.com (Bandcamp) | Facebook (Group, Page)
Twitter | 
Soundcloud | Tumblr | YouTube
The CWB (ChipWIN Blog)