Today we’ll look at some of the classic games that were based on Rogue and have since developed into decade-spanning addictions for RPG lovers. Since there are over three decades of roguelikes, you are only seeing my personal recommendations of a massive world of games. There are plenty more you if you dig a little. As you can see some of these have even been ported to iOs and Android. Most of the games are so simple that you can install the entire thing on a USB jump drive, pop it into any random computer you encounter and pick up where you left off.
Imagine if every time you played Legend of Zelda, the dungeons were in different places, the mini-quests changed and even new monsters and weapons appeared. You’d probably be much more apt to replay the game for more than just nostalgic reasons. Personally, I only replay games when so much time has passed that I no longer remember the details.
Looking out over a water-filed cave with shrubberies on the far shore in Brogue…
This is the promise of Roguelikes – a genre of turn-based games that have a lot in common with RPGs. Although they eschew the heavy story elements and everything but the most basic graphics, what they offer in depth of play more than makes up for it. Roguelikes offer infinite replay value can usually be played on almost any machine that can run a terminal and can be very addicting.
While the SNES seems to get the most attention for its RPGs, the Sega Genesis has a ton of great roleplaying classics too. Many of the best ones, however, never made it to North America during the console’s original run. Here’s a few awesome ones you can try out on the Genesis that are definitely worth your time.
Today, we’ll look at three high quality RPGs for the Sega Genesis. These games have been translated to english and their Roms are easy to find. You can even get two of these on an actual Sega cartridge!
This week’s Rom Hack Roundup has two excellent and innovative RPGs for the SNES. Last week, we looked at Square’s lost 90s output and today we look at two of Enix’s greatest works that never made it to North America. These two companies were console RPG mammoths in Japan and they created some of the most beautiful and engrossing games on the SNES.
Although these games never came out on the SNES in North America, some dedicated Rom hackers have translated the script so you can play them without learning Japanese. Read on and check them out!