Hope you didn’t have any plans (like sleeping or going to your job) starting Friday, April 29th, because Philly Tech Week kicks off and it’s going to be huge this year. There is going to be over 50 events ranging from coding workshops and robot fights to dance parties, performance art, professional networking and retro gaming competitions, there’s something for absolutely everyone.
Category Archives: RETRO GAMES
Punch-Out Secret Strategy Discovered After 29 Years
Recently, one tenacious Reddit user posted some enlightening gameplay footage from Punch Out, a beloved classic NES game from 1987. Even after all this time, it seems that there are still a few secrets that gamers have yet to discover. Continue reading Punch-Out Secret Strategy Discovered After 29 Years
This Custom Gameboy is a dream come true
Have you ever wished you could play all your favorite retro games on an original Game Boy? Ever tried to play Donkey Kong Country one? “But there aren’t enough buttons!” How naive of you, rhetorical person made up for the sake of this opening paragraph! Behold the Game Boy you never knew you needed more than anything else… until now.
Here’s Your Weekend DIY: Make a Retro Gaming Table!
Level up your DIY skills this weekend and build a retro gaming table out of old computer parts and a $10 IKEA table. For about $100 you’ll get to live out your childhood dream of playing Pac Man at home all ay for free and it will look super cool in your living room. Get your supplies together and get to work!
Continue reading Here’s Your Weekend DIY: Make a Retro Gaming Table!