There is a Sega Genesis homebrew game so amazing that it’s very existence is half myth. Blank Sega genesis carts imprinted with the game switch hands in clandestine meetings in dark hallways. Those who have played it are never the same. It’s epic music echoes through the ears of all those who have experienced it, rendering all other audio masterpieces flat in comparison. Ladies and gentlemen, today I shall reveal this infamous cathartic game to the general public.
Like a fine piece of abstract art, the plot is only shown through a series of images, leaving each player to come to his own conclusion about what this game means. Tom Scripts, the writer of this game is shrouded in mystery. There is little trace of him anywhere on the Internet except for this finely crafted ROM and his company’s enigmatic logo.
Perhaps the biggest contribution to the gaming world that this game makes, is it’s music. Truly innovative and forward-thinking, even attempting a remix has driven the most revered members of OC Remix close to quitting. There are some songs that simply cannot be improved on, cannot be remixed, and this game contains ALL of them.
So without further ado, if you are ready to experience the most atmospheric, truly amazing video game in the history of mankind, click here.