Tag Archives: smiletron

New Smiletron on 11/11/11

[audio: one-polarity1.mp3]

Smiletron released a new EP today, along with this note:

hello friends,

with humility and gratitude, we are very happy to share with you this music. every single song on each record being released today is designed to loop forever, to bring the infinite to within the boundaries of the finite.

here is the first of two records.


you’ll hear from me again this evening. :)

further communication is limited to prevent distortion. ♥


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Smiletron Saves the World with New EP [ FORWARD ]

Smiletron - ForwardOn Saturday, May 21st, The Rapture failed to take the lives of all humans on earth. There are a number of theories on why Harold Camping’s evangelical nutjobbery was nothing more than internet hubub, but I’d like to credit the hard work and dedication of chipmusician Smiletron.

Smiletron’s new EP, Forward is a progressive 5-Track EP which takes us on a journy through an evolving soundscape through high energy chiptune music and etherial, moving moods. From a production standpoint, Smiletron has stood tall with some of the best-sounding Chipmusic available, and FORWARD is no change. The EP is offered for free through Smiletron.org.

SMILETRON – FORWARD – 2011 by smiletron