Tag Archives: super mario

Super Mario Theme for Stepper Motor

This is less intense and more insane.

I did this using a PLC to control a stepper motor. I manually converted the Super Mario Brothers sheet music into frequency and millisecond values, then coded it in ladder logic to drive the high-speed pulsed output of a PLC. Enjoy!

Justin Patrick Wilkins

vNES – Free, Open Source, Online Nintendo

vNES: Virtual Nintendo Entertainment SystemI’ve got to say I think this is the most significant thing on VideoGameDJ so far, and it’s called vNES (short for Virtual Nintendo Entertainment System.) Written by Jamie Sanders under the Open Emulation Project, vNES is a Java powered website where you can play all your favorite NES games, from Zelda to Mario to Megaman, right in your web browser! No downloads, no installs, yes fun time distractions forever. I haven’t posted this since I discovered it on Thursday because everytime I open firefox it’s what happens. So what are you waiting for?
Play vNES!

A Classical Rendition of Mario Gangsterness

This shit is gangster in a whole new degree. I want to make up a word like classical-gangster but classical music is actually a time period not a style of music, so it wouldn’t really be an accurate portmanteau. A portmanteau is like a Mash-Up with words. Woah, knowledge dropping outta nowhere. Enough talk. Here’s the vid.

Gangsariocal. There I did it. Thanks to Chance Fisher for the link.

Hey, now would be a great time to Follow VideoGameDJ on Twitter!
