Category Archives: GAMING

SUPER MEAT BOY Coming out soon!

For those of you who missed the epic platformer flash game MEAT BOY you should click one of those links and check it out right now.

For everyone who knows what I’m talking about, you should be super excited because SUPER MEAT BOY is coming out in less than two days! Featured as downloadable game for WiiWare, XBox Live, and PC that has already recieved rave reviews. I’ll let a little copy paste action explain:
Super Meat Boy is a game where you play as a boy without skin whos girlfriend who is made of bandages gets kidnapped by a fetus in a tuxedo wearing a top hat and a monocle.

Super Meat Boy features platforming madness spanning over 300 levels of saws, disease, fire, lasers, missiles, and various other traps that Meat Boy must avoid to rescue is lady love.

Right? who couldn’t love that? The flash version is super fun and deliciously meaty, so I’m super stoked to heave my credit card at my TV to get SUPER MEAT BOY when it’s out!

I particularly enjoy the F.A.Q. posted on their website:

Question: When is this coming out on PS3?
Answer: Never.

Question: Why should I pay for this? Its free on Newgrounds!
Answer: It’s not the same game idiot, die in a carpet fire.

Question: Where is the level editor?
Answer: Maybe.

Android Game: Hyperactive Ninja

Droid developers Ninja Coders recented released an awesome, retro style game known as Hyperactive Ninja. 8-bit graphics, chiptune soundtrack, and a smart control system, you can’t go wrong! The first four levels of the game are free, the rest you can buy for a super reasonable price. Available on the Android Market. One of the game’s composers is none other than chiptune duo BR1GHT PR1MATE! Want more info? has a great interview with the developers.

Super Mario Theme for Stepper Motor

This is less intense and more insane.

I did this using a PLC to control a stepper motor. I manually converted the Super Mario Brothers sheet music into frequency and millisecond values, then coded it in ladder logic to drive the high-speed pulsed output of a PLC. Enjoy!

Justin Patrick Wilkins

PROTO ATTACK! A Website About Playing Games

I recently heard from Mike E., author of the website, who’s headline instantly caught my attention “A Website About Playing Games, Not Reviewing Them”

In a Internet saturated by 70% Porn, 25% Nerds reviewing videogames and 5% people crying on YouTube, this was a welcome breath of fresh air. Their top post today, How Nintendo’s Harsh Rules Saved The Industry is very interesting, and worth a read. Nice to see some people breaking the mold in the supersatured blog-o-sphere.