SNES (HD) is my iPad port of the popular Super Nintendo emulator Snes9x. Though based on ZodTTD’s iPhone port snes4iphone, Yusef Napora has rewritten most of the iPhone specific code to work within the iPad environment.
You’ll need a jailbroken iPad and iPhone to play, which I don’t have, so I can only imagine how great it is to have an SNES have the size of all those textbooks I never read.
You can get more information, download the source code and donate to the programmer over here at his webpage.
A weird Sonic pirated ROM… I think? I think the description sums it up best: It’s hard as hell, the sound hurts your ears and the levels repeat themself.
Can I dub this the coolest thing to happen to the MMORPG world since scantily clad cosplayers? NEStalgia is an free Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (yup I typed it all out) in the style of the old school 8 bit Final Fantasy and Shining Force games. It’s cool as shit! Except it appears to be only for windows :[[ Guess I’m going to have to keep playing Earthbound and Startropics FOREVER.
MAGFest 9 was insane. It’s hard to put into words. I spent at least ten hours a day at my booth, only made it to one panel, and caught about one song from every band. Could I have had more fun? Probably. Did I have a ton of fun? You bet. Why was it so fun to hang out at a booth, you ask? Well perhaps I can answer that with a YOUTUBE VIDEO >B]
I met a ton of totally awesome people, from beat producer Emrls and DJ AGGRESSION (featured in the video above,) to throwing down at the SECRET RAVE with DJ SyNCeRe and the Chip-Hop pioneer A_Rival. We threw down HARD at 3:00AM on Saturday night at the SECRET RAVE. Special Guest OCREMIX’s BeatDrop came through for a total of FIVE DJs throwing down all at once. The energy was great, the crowd was awesome and the party was NUTS. Here’s some proof:
I couldn’t help myself but get do a little credit animation there at the end.
BUT NO MAGFest9 POST COULD BE COMPLETE without mentioning Emrls’ PROTOMAN BANGER and the chaos that ensued. Hear the beat:
[audio: protomanbanger.mp3]
That’s right, I’m talking about the ELEVATOR PARTIES. The most chaotic chaos one could ever expect, checking into a hotel and trying to make it to their room, this compalation video is blowing up on youtube with a bunch of hilarious and venomous comments on youtube. Missed out? Maybe you’re better off. All I have to say is Don’t Hate! If you don’t like elevators / parties then TAKE THE STAIRS. We all drank like fifty BAWLZ anyway, probably could use burning off all that caffeine!
I hope this has convinced you to GET TO MAFEST next year. It’s the funnest time a nerd can have. and shit man, I didn’t even talk about all the VIDEO GAMES.
This is the longest blog post I’ve ever written. And it’s for a damn deserving group of the most hardworking nerds I’ve ever known. Thank you MAGFest.