Category Archives: MUSIC

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Unleash Your Creativity With The du-touch S

Back in 2014, the developers at Dualo released their unique electronic musical instrument, the du-touch. The instrument was unlike anything ever before conceived; it combines the freedom and feedback of a traditional instrument with the flexibility of a home studio. Right now, Dualo has a Kickstarter campaign for the 2nd generation device, the du-touch S.

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New video: NSP Samurai Abstinence Patrol

Ninja Sex Party released a new video today for Samurai Abstinence Patrol! Check it out!

You can also check out Dj CUTMAN’s remix after the jump!
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Arcano MIDI NES Chiptune Synth II

Though it doesn’t use actual NES sounds, the Arcano II (‘the successor to the Arcano MIDI NES Chiptune Synthesizer, a project launched on Kickstarter in 2015’) emulates the sounds and effects of the NES with a microcontroller programmed to generate the same sounds and waveforms.
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Check out ‘Good Talk’ from (T-T)b!

(T-T)b (“tee-tee-bee” unofficially) has released their debut album this week entitled ‘Good Talk’. The chiptune trio from Boston, MA sites Anamanaguchi, Weezer, and Wavves among some of their influences, which are evident in tracks like ‘Slimers’.

Joey Dussault, his brother Nick and Jake Cardinal from Dinoczar recorded an EP ‘Pizza Planet‘ last year and release their debut through Play It Loud! You can get a sweet t-shirt bundle with an album or even a cassette version!


This album is long on charm and these dreamy, chirpy jams are perfect for your summer tunes, so crank it up and have a good time! Give ‘Good Talk’ a listen after the jump!
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