Philly chip duo Kill3r Whale just released their first EP, a heartfelt fusion of chiptune, indie rock and hiphop. Mixing well performed vocals with well-mixed gameboy chiptune and live drums, Kill3r Whale has a sound all their own, and it is awesome. Download their album from Bandcamp at Name-Your-Own-Price.
Tag Archives: 8-bit
Friday Freakout: Gi meg mjød! I mean, er… KUBBI ;3
HOLY BALLS have there ever been a crapton of new Chip albums released in the last week or so!!!!! :O New 4mat, new Roboctopus, new Coda, new Kill3r Whale, new Freezedream, new Starscream/Infinity Shred single (yes, Starscream had to rename themselves because of some legal bulls**t >___< ), new SMILETRON. SO MUCH CHIPPY GOODNESS…!!! –head asplodes- -pants asplodes- -EVERYTHING ASPLODES-
HOWEVER, none of these are the focal point of my chiptastic little blurb this Friday (although each and every one of them are more than worth a write-up and a listen, so be sure to check ’em all out too!!). Today, I’m writing about this crazy awesome Norwegian Chiptuner/prog rocker/dragon slayer who goes by the alias of…
I’ve been aware of the viking duder for a little while now and both his previous album, Transmittance, and his EP, I dunno lol, have kept my Chippy ears happy ever since. But last Monday he dropped his latest album, Sleet, and HOLY NORWEGIAN VIKING ZOMBIE DRAGON BEAR BALLS is it EVER good!!!!!!!!!!!! All seventeen – yes, 17!! – tracks are fandamntastic! A big ole frost giant step up from his previous kickass albums even! This new album chock full of WIN is comprised of very melodic, beat driven chipjams with a nice mix of prog influences and spacey, ethereal themes interwoven into the mix. If this sounds like an interesting combination, IT’S BECAUSE IT IS. But in the BEST way possible! =D And WTF?!? I just noticed, the apparently astro cat (hey, there’s a good, new Chiptuner name!! ;D ) cranked out all of this music – 38 tracks total!!!! – since last damn summer!! :O Seems like dude’s trying damn hard to emulate one of his biggest influences, SMILETRON, what with the prolific stellar track releases and all! And the craziest thing is? HE’S SUCCEEDING. O.O Must be that magical Norwegian mead or something (GOD, I love mead… -drools- ). Anyways, I could keep talking the kid up all night, but all that would really accomplish is making me feel like I’ve been eaten by a Norwegian bear and s**t off a cliff in the morning when, seriously, nothing I can say will better convince you then you taking your clickity clicker and clicking on the embedded Bandcamp link of the album below and experiencing that goodness for yourself. So… what are you waiting on?? GO GET YO’ CHIP ON ALREADY, FOO’!!!! ;D
P.S. Gi meg mjød! = Give me mead! I learned that bit of useful Norwegian from Kubbi in his 8 Bit Power Hour hosted listening party last Monday night. GOOD TIMES! 8)
P.P.S. YES, OF COURSE HE HAS A TRACK ON MY UPCOMING CHIPTUNES = WIN \m|<3|m/ COMPILATION! All the more reason to stay tuned for that. ;) Also, did I mention it’s going to be around 50 tracks from some of the best Chiptuners to ever Chiptune?? ;) KTHXBAI~ ♥
P.P.P.S Sorry, Kubs, but I haven’t found the magical boob ice cream yet. Still searching though! IT’S GOTTA BE OUT THERE SOMEWHERE, DAMMIT!! ;3 ;D \m|♥|m/
Friday Freakout: DANIMAL CANNON ‘SPLOSION!!!!!!11!1!1!
SUP BIZNATCHES. =D Yup, I’m back again. Wasn’t just a one shot deal last Friday after all. ;)
YOU’RE WELCOME, WORLD. 8) (blame Cutman for it ;3 ).
ANYWHOOO, today I’m spazwriting/writespazzing all over this bloggity blog about something not new, but still worth the wordy words; about the very first dude who exposed me to live Chiptunes (and at MAGFest 9 no less! LOVE THAT FRICKITY FRACKIN PLACE/THING/WORLD/AMAZINGNESS!!!).
In other words, my Chiptune obession = TOTALLY THIS GUY’S FAULT:
Dan Behrens aka Danimal Cannon.
If you’re into the VGM/Chiptune scene AT ALL, you’ve probably heard of this cat from one of his many damn bands: Armcannon, Metroid Metal, WeaponEX, The Polyamorous Polyrhythms (okay, I made that last one up ;3 ). And if you haven’t? Well, GOOD DAMN THING YOU’RE READING THIS ARTICLE THEN, AIN’T IT?!? ;3 At any rate, they’re all lkjasdfjlk AMAZING, but it’s his solo chiptune jamolas as Danimal Cannon that really takes the honest cake. (Get it?? Takes the honest cake vs. just takes the cake?? As in the cake is NOT a lie?? YES I JUST WENT THERE & I MAY MAKE AN ARROW IN THE KNEE JOKE NEXT WUT OF IT?!?!? ;333 ). It’s top tier Chiptunes that’s a nostalgic yet brand spanking new series of musical
journeys through nerdtastically mathematical, polyrhythmic yet danceable, guitar shredding wonderment of LOVEBEERSEX CHIPTUNES FTW!!! <–Which SHOULD have been his album name, but he went with Roots instead.
Pssh! WUTTEHFUKEVAR. >_> Awesome album title missed opportunity aside, his 18 track debut is one BADASSTASTIC mother that no Chiptune fan can afford to miss. And ZOMG! You can (finally) get a shirt to go with it! Which gives you super powers. Super powers of looking AWESOME, further increased by listening to the album’s AWESOME. It may just be the AWESOMEST AWESOME TO EVAR AWESOME. NOW GO BUY THEM BOTH AND EXPERIENCE THE AWESOMERY FOR YOURSELF. \m||m/
…UNLESS you first wanna go see an equally AWESOME series of Danimal Cannon videos taken by Emily Feder from the Chip Music Chronicle (more on that NEXT Friday! ;D ). You can find that goodness RITE CHAR:
AND be sure to catch the ridiculously talented little f**cker on his upcoming tour, which includes a stop at BLIPFEST. Yup, you heard me right: the sonofan8bitwhore is actually playing AT Blipfest this year. Another reason to catch that amazing Memorial Day weekend Chiptune extravaganza. I mean, as if you really needed another reason to go to that, amirite? IAMRITE.
Also, did I mention yet that HE’S GOT A BRAND SPANKING NEW TRACK COMING OUT ON MY UPCOMING CHIPTUNES = WIN \m|♥|m/ COMPILATION NEXT MONTH??? So yeah, stayed tuned for that! ;DDD Ttfn~!
Friday Freakout: OH HAI GAIZ =D
[box type=”bio”] Brandon Hood runs the Chiptunes = WIN \m|♥|m/ facebook group, where Chipmusicians from around the world share their music and particpate in projects in a public forum. [/box]
Brandon L Hood aka. Hoodie, Hoodlum1436, Brandon the Belligerexcellent, self-appointed Champion of Chiptunes, Mr. Metroid beer pong table himself in the (digital) flesh, RITE CHAR! =) Soooo you’re probably thinking, “ZOMGWTFBBQ!!! Hoodie is writing Chip & VGM reviews/blurbs/excited goobledygook on now??? THAT IS SO AWESUM!!!!!!!!11101010 =DDDD” Well, that or mebbe “WhoTF is this monkeybutt farthole??” ;3 To answer that 2nd more likely question, I am just a funloving, overly excitable, MAGFest/MAGStock/PAX East/Blipfest/Nerdapalooza/etc. crashing, Chiptune dancing, VGM band crowd rocker-outing, awesome Metroid beer pong table party throwing, goofy sonofabiznatch from teh intert000000bs, WUTTEHFERKEVARFTW!! I’m most known from being King Kai of the Chiptunes Facebook group Chiptunes = WIN \m|<3|m/ (WHICH YOU’RE WELCOME TO JOIN IF YOU WAAAAANT ♥). GOOD TIMES, FUN TIMES ALL AROUND! \m|♥|m/ =D
Alright, silly, silly introduction out of the way, ON TO DA POST!!! \m||m/ My first one can be summed up in two simple words:
Alright, so you prolly need more than that. ;3 What we’ve got here izza fan-furkin-tastic Chiptunes compilation put together by Frostbyte/iamclouD & friends. Lotta very talented Chipartists on this thang, some you may know, some you may not know. ALL AWESOME. Also, did I mention that 100% of all profits from the album sales goes to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation! EXACTLY. Fantastiexcellent Chiptunes + a good cause = MEGACRAPTONS OF WIN. Best $5 (or more if you’re extra awesome! ;D ) you’ll spend in quite awhile. =) So what are you waiting for?? GO SNAG DAT SUCKA!!! =D Annnd share the livin’ crap outta it! Everywhere! Alllllllll over the intertoobs! Kinda like I do. ;3