With but a few days left before the July 15th release of Chiptunes = WIN: Volume 2, the final touches are being put in place; Dj CUTMAN is preparing the final masters for upload, Kubbi is locking in the track order, & I’m triple checking everything there is to check thrice over & THEN AGAIN.
In the meantime, HAVE A PROMO VIDEO(full roster listed within):
And how about some KICKASS ALBUM ARTWORK while you’re at it:
Strikingly beautiful album art by Nate Horsfall of lightningarts.com.
Regarding Volume 2 merch by Maddie of Pixel Pixie Apparel & Promotions, YES.
(sorry, that’s all you’re getting on that until Monday ;).
And, of course, don’t miss the crazy Vol.2 listening party on 8 Bit Power Hour + Nerd Rock Radio starting at 8pm EST Monday on 8bitx.com (click HERE to go to the Fb event). I expect it to be JUST as ridiculously awesome, awesomely ridiculous as the first one (i.e. VERY much so 8).
ALRIGHTY THEN. Time to drop a knowledge bomb on you regarding the Chiptunes = WIN \m|♥|m/compilation as hard as I can! =D
First, if you haven’t watched the promo video yet, DO THAT NOW:
To reiterate what was stated in that awesomely ridiculous video, the 51 track Chiptunes MEGA compilation releases on June 5th at midnight via Bandcamp immediately following the 8 Bit Power Hour listening party starting at 8pm Eastern time on Areciboradio. A link to the Facebook event page for that can be found right here.
In the meantime, stay tuned on Mondays to Geekbeat LeRadio on Unregular Radio, & Nerd Rock Radio with Samuel Mulligan on WMFO Medford 91.5 FM for project news and teaser tracks from the upcoming compilation! Will hear different tracks on both programs on every show leading up to the release date!
Also, for more information and Chiptuney goodness feel free to check out the Chiptunes = WIN \m|♥|m/ Facebook page, the 8bitx blog page, and, of course, the 450+ member strong Facebook group that started it all! =D
And did I mention yet that Dj Cutman is mastering the entire project?EXACTLY. 8)
So hold on to your butts, because in only two weeks!!!!! teh Chiptune craziness is ON LIKE A NECKBONE!!
SUP BIZNATCHES. =D Yup, I’m back again. Wasn’t just a one shot deal last Friday after all. ;)
YOU’RE WELCOME, WORLD. 8) (blame Cutman for it ;3 ).
ANYWHOOO, today I’m spazwriting/writespazzing all over this bloggity blog about something not new, but still worth the wordy words; about the very first dude who exposed me to live Chiptunes (and at MAGFest 9 no less! LOVE THAT FRICKITY FRACKIN PLACE/THING/WORLD/AMAZINGNESS!!!).
In other words, my Chiptune obession = TOTALLY THIS GUY’S FAULT:
If you’re into the VGM/Chiptune scene AT ALL, you’ve probably heard of this cat from one of his many damn bands: Armcannon, Metroid Metal, WeaponEX, The Polyamorous Polyrhythms (okay, I made that last one up ;3 ). And if you haven’t? Well, GOOD DAMN THING YOU’RE READING THIS ARTICLE THEN, AIN’T IT?!? ;3 At any rate, they’re all lkjasdfjlk AMAZING, but it’s his solo chiptune jamolas as Danimal Cannon that really takes the honest cake. (Get it?? Takes the honest cake vs. just takes the cake?? As in the cake is NOT a lie?? YES I JUST WENT THERE & I MAY MAKE AN ARROW IN THE KNEE JOKE NEXT WUT OF IT?!?!? ;333 ). It’s top tier Chiptunes that’s a nostalgic yet brand spanking new series of musical
journeys through nerdtastically mathematical, polyrhythmic yet danceable, guitar shredding wonderment of LOVEBEERSEX CHIPTUNES FTW!!! <–Which SHOULD have been his album name, but he went with Roots instead.
Pssh! WUTTEHFUKEVAR. >_> Awesome album title missed opportunity aside, his 18 track debut is one BADASSTASTIC mother that no Chiptune fan can afford to miss. And ZOMG! You can (finally) get a shirt to go with it! Which gives you super powers. Super powers of looking AWESOME, further increased by listening to the album’s AWESOME. It may just be the AWESOMEST AWESOME TO EVAR AWESOME. NOW GO BUY THEM BOTH AND EXPERIENCE THE AWESOMERY FOR YOURSELF. \m||m/
…UNLESS you first wanna go see an equally AWESOME series of Danimal Cannon videos taken by Emily Feder from the Chip Music Chronicle (more on that NEXT Friday! ;D ). You can find that goodness RITE CHAR:
AND be sure to catch the ridiculously talented little f**cker on his upcoming tour, which includes a stop at BLIPFEST. Yup, you heard me right: the sonofan8bitwhore is actually playing AT Blipfest this year. Another reason to catch that amazing Memorial Day weekend Chiptune extravaganza. I mean, as if you really needed another reason to go to that, amirite? IAMRITE.
Also, did I mention yet that HE’S GOT A BRAND SPANKING NEW TRACK COMING OUT ON MY UPCOMING CHIPTUNES = WIN \m|♥|m/COMPILATION NEXT MONTH??? So yeah, stayed tuned for that! ;DDD Ttfn~!