Tag Archives: awesome
Dj CUTMAN’s MAGFest 9 Roundup!
MAGFest 9 was insane. It’s hard to put into words. I spent at least ten hours a day at my booth, only made it to one panel, and caught about one song from every band. Could I have had more fun? Probably. Did I have a ton of fun? You bet. Why was it so fun to hang out at a booth, you ask? Well perhaps I can answer that with a YOUTUBE VIDEO >B]
I met a ton of totally awesome people, from beat producer Emrls and DJ AGGRESSION (featured in the video above,) to throwing down at the SECRET RAVE with DJ SyNCeRe and the Chip-Hop pioneer A_Rival. We threw down HARD at 3:00AM on Saturday night at the SECRET RAVE. Special Guest OCREMIX’s BeatDrop came through for a total of FIVE DJs throwing down all at once. The energy was great, the crowd was awesome and the party was NUTS. Here’s some proof:
I couldn’t help myself but get do a little credit animation there at the end.
BUT NO MAGFest9 POST COULD BE COMPLETE without mentioning Emrls’ PROTOMAN BANGER and the chaos that ensued. Hear the beat:
[audio: protomanbanger.mp3]
That’s right, I’m talking about the ELEVATOR PARTIES. The most chaotic chaos one could ever expect, checking into a hotel and trying to make it to their room, this compalation video is blowing up on youtube with a bunch of hilarious and venomous comments on youtube. Missed out? Maybe you’re better off. All I have to say is Don’t Hate! If you don’t like elevators / parties then TAKE THE STAIRS. We all drank like fifty BAWLZ anyway, probably could use burning off all that caffeine!
I hope this has convinced you to GET TO MAFEST next year. It’s the funnest time a nerd can have. and shit man, I didn’t even talk about all the VIDEO GAMES.
This is the longest blog post I’ve ever written. And it’s for a damn deserving group of the most hardworking nerds I’ve ever known. Thank you MAGFest.
Killer MegaMan Art Collection
I ran across this post on GamesRadar today, it’s got a killer collection of mega man art including ALL THE ORIGINAL BOSS ART. It’s totally nutso nerd-tarded (and I definitely downloaded everything to my desktop just now.) Are you geeking out yet?