Tag Archives: MUSIC

New Smiletron on 11/11/11

[audio: one-polarity1.mp3]

Smiletron released a new EP today, along with this note:

hello friends,

with humility and gratitude, we are very happy to share with you this music. every single song on each record being released today is designed to loop forever, to bring the infinite to within the boundaries of the finite.

here is the first of two records.


you’ll hear from me again this evening. :)

further communication is limited to prevent distortion. ♥


Follow Smiletron on Facebook.

Bubble Man from MegaMan2 Recreated on a Music Box

I basically started a blog just for a place to save things like this.

And for you Portal fans…

and lastly, a video I can unfortuantly not embed, but untold treaures exist on the other side of this link. FYI, this video is of the single object i desire the most in the world.

Sometimes I forgot what got me into this [ Pictionary OST ]

Sometimes I forget what got me into Chiptunes in the first place. Games like this. I owned Pictionary for NES, It comprised of a selection of mini games, much like the WarioWare series. I used to play with my little sister (and sometimes my parents). Games were simple, like catching mindless sprites falling out of a flaming building. Or jumping around from platform to platform, dodging a beachball on the moon. You know, stuff the whole family can enjoy. It also had chippin’ sweet music by Tim Follin.

EDIT: I couldn’t resist, I had to make a beat from one of the selections.

Pictionary by Dj CUTMAN