This weekend was Philadelphia’s second annual 8Static Festival featuring some of the best chiptune musicians on the continent. Acts include Gameboy heavyweights Danimal Cannon and Trey Frey, and chiptune pioneers Trash80 and Cheap Dinosaurs. A personal highlight of mine was Radlib, who closed out day one.
Cutman here! I’ve teamed up with Groupees to create a special bundle of chiptune albums from musicians I’ve featured on the show. As the bundle sells, additional albums and bonus content is unlocked for everybody!
Sup y’all? =) President Hoodie from Chiptunes = WIN here!
Been a little while since I’ve typeity typed on this supa-delicious blog, but today I’ve a solid reason for a quick return:
More amazing artwork by Nate Horsfall of
To clear things up a bit, ‘MAGFest = WIN’ is a new ChipWIN compilation featuring 12 new chiptunes from 12 chipartist performers from the recent MAGFest 12! (A NUMBER WHICH WAS OBVIOUSLY CHOSEN ON PURPOSE AND DID NOT HAPPEN BY ACCIDENT AT ALL. :3 )
8Static has been Philadelphia’s premier chipmusic event for the past five years, but things have really been ramping up in the past few months. Piggybacking on the success of their first 8Static Festival, the grassroots group have been quietly building a label of some of the best and most diverse chipmusic the east-coast chiptune scene has to offer.
This week chipmusician and multi-instrumentalist Auxcide released not one but two new chiptune albums with 8static. Pixel and Speck are two electronic, experimental and danceable albums containing both original tunes and awesome cover songs. Check them out at the players below, and support your local chipmusician!