Category Archives: GAMING

Kickstarter Alert: Amazing Retro Shooter Starr Mazer to Feature Many Chiptune Artists if Stretch Goal Reached

Imagos Software only has a few days left to raise $10,000 on their kickstarter for an amazing game that combines SCUMM elements with SHMUP fun! As chiptune fans, not only do we have a possibility of getting an awesome game for PC, Mac and Linux (possibly the consoles should they hit their stretch goal), but the possibility of getting almost 4 albums filled with chiptune regulars like Alex Mauer, Bright Primate, Cheap Dinosaurs and more should they reach their stretch goal. It’s definitely worth putting some money towards. The T-Shirt is really slick looking too.



Show you support for retro gaming goodness today and get in on this awesomeness.

MAGFest 13 Full Musical Lineup Announced

magfest-concerts2-tom-doughertyProtomen, Powerglove, Machinae Supremacy, Yuu Miyake and other huge names


The 13th annual Music And Gaming Festival is coming up January 23-26, 2015 at the Gaylord National Hotel in National Harbor, MD, and is host to its biggest performer lineup yet! Check out all the great musical acts that’ll be playing:

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Completely Original NES Game Funded On Kickstarter

You may have heard of Brad Smith for his contribution to 2a03 Puritans comp or his amazing complete cover of The Dark Side of the Moon on a NES cart. Clearly, Brad is all about professional grade, authentic retro experiences on the NES. He’s even written some utilities and modules for Famitracker!

Now, Brad is putting his chiptune and professional game development experience to work on a brand new game for the NES called Lizard. He’s running a Kickstarter here and it’s a project we’d really like to see succeed. Read on for details about the playable demo.

Continue reading Completely Original NES Game Funded On Kickstarter

10-year Project of Translating NES Classic Lagrange Point Completed

Aeon Genesis has completed their 10-year ROM translation project of Konami’s 8-bit NES sci-fi 1991 RPG Masterpiece Lagrange Point.

Lagrange Point is one of the most advanced NES games ever to come out. On a technical level, it uses Konami’s VRC7 sound chip to create FM synthesis on the original NES. The soundtrack has a character all its own and the FM Synths really lend themselves to the game’s space theme.

Read on to get everything you need to emulate it!

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