Category Archives: GAMING

Throwback Thursday: Mappy

Mappy logoWhen I was standing in the shower this morning with the background jingle to this game playing in my head, I knew that this week’s Throwback Thursday entry was going to be about none other than everyone’s favorite miniature mouse-cop, Mappy. Sadly, we will not be discussing the GPS devices in the UK and elsewhere that have been branded with the name Mappy (yes, that actually exists, and now I want one).

Mappy is the classic quintessential game of cat and mouse, which is probably why its simple, fast-paced style gameplay formula is still jut as fun to play today as it was when it came out 29 years ago. You take control of Mappy, the cute little mouse cop from the Micro Police. Your mission: To infiltrate a giant, 6-story house that is filled with thieving cats, who have been pilfering some of the most sought after goods from the early 80s;  like small white radios with multicolored buttons, huge tube TVs with that oh-so-modern wooden finish, and state-of-the-art computers that boast storage capacities of like, 3MB and a lightning fast 64KB processor! I think someone duped these feline felons though, because they also have a seemingly endless amount of identical paintings that look just like the Mona Lisa. Forgeries, man…forgeries. They were however smart enough to steal a bunch of safes, which hopefully they are actually able to open.

Once inside, you progress through each stage in an attempt to retrieve the stolen loot, but watch out! Hot on Mappy’s tail, are the pink cat-thief grunts, the Mewkies, er, Meowkies, as we say here in America! Our cats make their sounds with an ‘o’ here! You will also have be on the lookout for the big boss cat, Nyamko! Err, wait, that’s right, he’s called Goro here in the good ole US of A. You know, I never understood why names of characters got changed so often back in the day when they made their transition from Japan the western world. OK, maybe people wouldn’t immediately catch that the name Nyamko is a clever pun which combines the onomatopoeia of a cat meowing in Japanese (“Nyan”) with the name of the company who made the game, Namco. C’mon westerners, you need to start brushing up on your Japanese onomatopoeia for cats! Sheesh…










Say it with me now, “Nyam-ko”, “Nyamko”. Good.


Anywho, the objective of the game is rather simple: Retrieve as much of the stolen loot as you possibly can before the kitty cats get you. For the most part, Mappy is essentially defenseless, despite the fact that he holds a standard Micro Police issued baton. He has to cleverly utilize his environment in order to escape danger, and he can do so one of two ways. First, since you ascend to different levels of the house via trampolines, he can time his jumps well to dip out onto a different floor than his pursuers. Although they do get smarter as the round goes on, this can be a good way of giving them the slip.  The other way to escape danger is by swinging open doors straight into the kissers of those who wish to devour him. If you open the door at the right second, it will knock the kitties over and stun them for a few seconds. There are also magical shiny glowing doors that emit a wave that will catch any Mewkie or Nyamko cat in their path and send them off screen. If timed correctly, you can wipe out all of your pursuers, and force them to re-enter the stage one at a time through the top of the screen.

mappy screenshot







Fun fact: If you pick up an item while Nyamko is hiding behind it, you get bonus points!


To change things up, every few rounds you will be treated to a bonus stage in which Mappy has to bounce and maneuver through a maze of trampolines in a balloon collecting frenzy in order to collect some sweet bonus points. This is where you can really pick up some big bonus points in your pursuit to get the high score for the day.







If you can find a Mappy arcade machine nowadays, you’re most certainly a lucky duck! But fear not, there are plenty of ways to can play this game in this day and age filled with compilation discs. Mappy is featured on Namco Museum Vol. 2 for the Playstation 1 and Namco Museum 50th Anniversary Collection for Xbox, Gamecube, and Playstation 2 for home systems. For those who want some Mappy goodness on the go, it can be found on Namco Museum DS for the Nintendo DS and Namco Museum Battle Collection for the PSP.

Just for fun, next time you play Mappy, as the background jingle consistently repeats itself, place these lyrics over the jingle, and I guarantee that they will be stuck in your head during every subsequent play-through.

I’m a little mouse cap, running through a maze
Here come all the cat thieves to steal my microwaves
Mona Lisa Mona Lisa
Mona Lisa Mona Lisa
Oh crap! It’s a door!
Ba dum bum

Friday Freakout: Chip Music Chronicle FTW~!!!

Champions of Chip. There’s more than a good handful of us out there, promoting Chipmusic with every fiber of our being. Because we love it. Because it’s fun. Because it gets us free beer at shows. (WUT??  That’s just as legit a reason!!! ;3 ). This Friday Freakout is dedicated to one of the most, well… dedicated of us that I’m aware of:

Emily Feder of the

Chip Music Chronicle.

This crazy, awesome woman attacks Chipshows armed with nothing but her iPhone, working her way to the front of the stage, throwing elbows, dragon punches, flaming ninja stars, WUTTEHFUKEVAR IT TAKES  to get in place to document the entire show in video. And then afterward she uploads them by sets/gigs/artists to her Youtube account for all of the chipworld to see in 720p (that rhymed! heheh ;3 ). She’s more or less providing awesome live video coverage of a substantial  portion of the East coast chip scene, which is something that nobody else is doing (one of her very reasons for  doing it actually).

Did I mention yet that THE WOMAN IS AWESOME!?!?!

Also, her latest spin on the project is what she’s calling an “Evolution” series. Basically, she’s taking a handful of Chipartists and chronicling their journies (via her live footage) from where she first encountered them to their gigs at Blipfest 2012 this Memorial Day weekend. Currently she has that happening for Chipocrite, Kris Keyser, and Danimal Cannon, but I believe she has plans to do that for a few more before Blipfest rolls around. In other words, STAY TUNED, FOTHERMUCKERS!!  ;D Seriously, if you’re a chipfan and haven’t checked out her project by now, this is a great  time to do it! =D

And this is the part where I’m just gonna flat out say THANKS A MEGACRAPTON, EM!! There’s more than a few of us out there who LOVE chipmusic but don’t have access to many live shows (due to location, being broke, a combination of the two, etc). And you do a damn good job of bringing some of that to us. SO KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK, YA CRAZY BROAD!! ;D We <3 you very much for it!




Throwback Thursday: NHL Hockey for the Sega Genesis

With the NHL playoffs really heating up, and teams most people in the hockey world thought would never advance far blowing people away, it got me thinking back to the days of old, playing NHL Hockey for hours on end, thinking this was the most awesome sports game ever. The days where every goal my older brother scored on me was “cheap,” ah, how fondly I remember them. I even used to keep a blank tape in the VCR, and when I had an amazing goal or epic bone-crunching hit, I’d record it and show it to my mom, who did her absolute best to feign enthusiasm.

Well, it’s been 20 years since the first NHL Hockey game (which if it had a year attached to it like all of the games that followed it, would be NHL Hockey ’92) was released by EA, and needless to say, EA has gotten a bit more advanced in their game development department. Yet, to this day, when you ask people about their options on the best hockey game ever made, or even the best sports game ever made, more often than not you have people pointing back to the NHL games from the Genesis era. Usually, it is NHL ’93 or NHL ’94 (which many people herald as the greatest sports game of all time) that people site as their favorite, and personally, I think those games have the original NHL Hockey to thank for testing the waters and seeing what needed to be worked on and added to make the game better.

Rare is it that sports games withstand the test of time, especially when it comes to hockey, which is arguably only America’s 3rd or 4th most favorite sport. I mean seriously, do you ever hear about how awesome Madden ’98 is these days? Nah. How about NBA 2k1?  Not likely. What about Sports Talk Baseball? Don’t bet on it.

So what is it that makes the Genesis hockey games so beloved by hockey fans and non-hockey fans alike? Right out of the gate, Electronic Arts created a formula for a hockey game that simply worked.

A far cry from its predecessors like Ice Hockey and Blades of Steel for the NES, NHL Hockey looked and played much more like a real hockey game. All of the NHL’s teams were there to be played, with jerseys in the team’s proper colors and the team logo emblazoned at center ice. One major part that was missing was that they did not have the player name licensing agreement until the following year, so unless you knew the numbers of your favorite team’s players, that’s all those guys were…numbers. Nevertheless, the players were each given their own individual stat ratings and abilities, which at the time, was a huge accomplishment Another aspect of the game were the settings that really made this game set the tone for future games in the series. The entire team’s roster was accounted for, and if you chose to, could change lines between the scoring lines and checking line as you saw fit. Penalties, whether you loved them or hated them, could be set they way you wanted. To be able to turn penalties off, on, or on except for off-sides, was nothing short of revolutionary at the time.

The gameplay had all of the major elements that made a hockey game work, from fighting to slap shots, and especially considering it was the first go that EA had with it, NHL Hockey, even when compared to the others in the series, is still very playable. It is light years ahead of previous hockey games in terms of playability and realness, although it admittedly falls short when compared to even NHL ’93. They made sure that ’93 was faster and smoother, and obtaining the NHLPA player naming rights cemented the game as a true squeal to ’92.

Is NHL Hockey the most memorable one of the series? Certainly not. But it set the framework for some of the best sports games of all time, and considering that was twenty freakin’ years ago (way to make myself feel old), I think it’s definitely worthy of praise, and has its own unique charm that differs from the others in the series.

Also, the intro music is totally boss.

Now, go play a game featuring the Hartford Whalers vs. the Minnesota North Stars…because you can.



Chiptunes = WIN \m|♥|m/ compilation TEASER!! teeheehee ♥

ALRIGHTY THEN.  So you may’ve noticed references to my Fb group Chiptunes = WIN \m|♥|m/ here and there in mah posts on (I’m a shameless plug whore, YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT!  ;3 Also, if you haven’t made it by yet, CLICK THE DAMN LINKY LINK ALREADY!!  :P ). You also may’ve noticed references to the Chip compilation that I’m releasing via said group. Well, LEMME DROP ANOTHER ONE OF THOSE ON YOU RIGHT NOW:


You just got ARTED by Foxxdragon, son!!!!! 8)

In other words, yeah, this is the cover art for the compilation. And yes, that’s all you get this post.


ALRIGHT. FINE.  BE A GREEDY PECKERWRINKLE!! Art and  the knowledge that there’s 50+ tracks on this bad boy  (51 tracks to be exact ;). 51 AMAZING chiptracks of a mix of both well known & loved artists and some spectacular up and comers.



Yes, I’m a madman. Yes, you may/will/have no choice but to love me for it. DON’T WORRY. I CAN HANDLE IT.

The only question is… CAN YOU?  ♥ ♥

P.S. STAY TUNED FOR MORE UPDATES (read: PROMO VIDEO COMING SOON  8)!! GET EXCITED, BIZNATCHES!!!!!!!!111!1!1!1onehundredeleventeen!!!  \m|♥|m/