A long time ago, in an article far away, we reviewed a couple of great Megaman II ROM hacks. This article will expand on that one to look at some sweet hacks from the series, some that will seriously have you rethinking what the NES is capable of. We’re going to look at three of the most original ones that turn the original games on their head and up the difficulty level for some of the greatest 8-bit challenges you’ve ever faced.
Any of these games can be found with a quick Google search. Just follow our IPS patching tutorial to learn how to modify your legally-obtained backup copy of the original ROM.
Rockman 4 Minus Infinity
Original Rom: Rockman 4 What Its Like: A massive version of Megaman 4 with more secrets, new weapon and item powers and tons of cameo appearances from past games.
Sometimes I miss the days of low quality graphics like SNES’s Mode 7 graphics and ANSI art. There was something great about seeing an image not quite resolve properly and get all pixelated. It was so cutting edge to see Bowser fly out from the background, even if he looked like a bunch of blocks when he got to the front of the screen. I loved it then and I love it now.
The SNES holds a special nostalgic place for most gamers. Super Mario World definitely helped make it a success as it took the famous Mario Brothers into the next generation of 16-bit consoles in a very successful and memorable way. Its no surprise that this game has generating some amazing Rom Hacks. Here’s three must-play remakes of this classic 16-bit masterpiece.
This is Open Emu, an open source emulator for Mac computers, with this site you can choose from a wide variety of games and console emulations ranging from Virtual Boy to SNES.