Tag Archives: art

Friday Freakout: Auxcide is Awesometastic!!!

So just the other day  I was listening to the recently released goodness that is the Pxl-Bot compilation “One Year Later”; it has some stellar chipjams on it worth checking out, no doubt about it (just check out Pxl-Bot in general. IT RULES. ). One of the tracks that I kept returning to, however, was the first track, “Impact” by Auxcide. So I did me some googling of this yet unheard of (by me) West Coast chipper to see what else he had available. AND I FOUND THIS:

Of Atoms and Stardust
by Auxcide

I believe it was just last Friday that I mentioned how much I love pleasant surprises, and this definitely qualifies as another one of those!  Seriously, man, some LSDJx2 goodness right here if I’ve ever  heard it! Epic, spacey, chipsteppy, dancey, gloriously melodic goodness FOR. THE. WIN.  I love the flow, the progression, the energy  of the album (the sequencing is done excellently), and the inclusion of a bonus mp3 of the entire album in one track  for gapless playback really  shows that off (very cool little bonus!). Also, did I mention that Of Atoms and Stardust is his debut album (& it JUST released)???  :OOO -head asplodes- INORITE?!? Auxcide is simply another stellar example of some of the up and coming talent that’s bursting forth into the chiptune scene with a fury of a thousand angry comets (I HAVE FURY!!!!!). Again I say, there is no better time to be involved in chiptunes, as an artist and/or a fan, than right now. More and more crazy, awesome goodness to come, of that much I am certain. At any rate, give this awesometastic duder’s chipalbum of WIN a solid listen as soon as you get a chance (and send the dude some money! He deserves it!! ). OR THE ANGRY COMETS WILL COME FOR YOU.  Or not. But you would miss out on some awesome chipmusic and that’s almost as bad.


Chiptunes = WIN \m|♥|m/ compilation TEASER!! teeheehee ♥

ALRIGHTY THEN.  So you may’ve noticed references to my Fb group Chiptunes = WIN \m|♥|m/ here and there in mah posts on videogamedj.com (I’m a shameless plug whore, YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT!  ;3 Also, if you haven’t made it by yet, CLICK THE DAMN LINKY LINK ALREADY!!  :P ). You also may’ve noticed references to the Chip compilation that I’m releasing via said group. Well, LEMME DROP ANOTHER ONE OF THOSE ON YOU RIGHT NOW:


You just got ARTED by Foxxdragon, son!!!!! 8)

In other words, yeah, this is the cover art for the compilation. And yes, that’s all you get this post.


ALRIGHT. FINE.  BE A GREEDY PECKERWRINKLE!! Art and  the knowledge that there’s 50+ tracks on this bad boy  (51 tracks to be exact ;). 51 AMAZING chiptracks of a mix of both well known & loved artists and some spectacular up and comers.



Yes, I’m a madman. Yes, you may/will/have no choice but to love me for it. DON’T WORRY. I CAN HANDLE IT.

The only question is… CAN YOU?  ♥ ♥

P.S. STAY TUNED FOR MORE UPDATES (read: PROMO VIDEO COMING SOON  8)!! GET EXCITED, BIZNATCHES!!!!!!!!111!1!1!1onehundredeleventeen!!!  \m|♥|m/

The Spriters Resource! Pixel/Sprite Art Like Crazy

The Spriters Resource is a heaven for video game and pixel art. Hundreds of games with character, background and item art isolated perfect for art projects, animation, or websites.

A huge database spanning multiple consoles and generations, The Spriters Resource is unparalleled in depth and meticulously organized. If you’re into sprite art, or creating video game based art yourself, you’ve got to check out The Spriters Resource.