Tag Archives: dmg

Awesome Gameboy Mods

This is a Nintendo Gameboy, the weapon of choice for most Chiptuners. The 1989 device (model DMG-001) is hailed for the nostalgic feel and tone of it’s sound. Sometimes people modify these gameboys, to make them much, much doper. YouTube will tell us more.

And this guy just owns it:

Chipmusic by Je Mappelle

Chip-Musician Je Mappelle, aka Lewis Maguire released a new demo on 8bc today that I like so much it moved me to post some of his music. A LSDJ artist, Je Mappelle continues to release music that pushes the Chipmusic genre forward. Enjoy his new song, your, on 8bitcollective, and listen to a few of my favorites below.

Je Mappelle – your [audio: jemappelle-your.mp3]

Je Mappelle – fluent [audio: jemappelle-fluent.mp3]

Je Mappelle – for blood [audio: jemappelle-forblood.mp3]

Je Mappelle – latched [audio: jemappelle-latched.mp3]