Tag Archives: lo-fi

8-Bit Weezer

Some of you have heard this album before, but a friend emailed it to me again recently and I had forgotten how good some of these covers are. It’s an 8 bit tribute album to Weezer. Here’s Holiday by Anamanagucci

[audio: http://ia360625.us.archive.org/2/items/PTE018/02Holiday.mp3]
And here’s the whole album, and here’s it in ZIP

ComputeHer’s Modemoiselle

The website Urban Dictionary defines Modemoiselle as
Noun: a woman or girl who spends too much time online, forgetting other important things like family and friends; an unhealthy cyber-addiction in the female species.

For chiptune artist ComputeHer, it’s the title of her new album, and here’s my favorite track, SysOp:

[audio: computeher-sysop.mp3]

ComputeHer is 1/2 the groundbreaking Chiptune duo 8Bit Weapon, and it’s no surprise from the energy and driving beats behind some of the tracks in Modemoiselle. The album progresses to more light-hearted and sometimes a little creepy tunes, all crystal clear and crunchy as you could want. Buy the album on her website. I’ll leave you with my second favorite off the album, rock awesomely provided for free download on ComputeHer.com

[audio: computeher-heartbeeps.mp3]

Spamtron – Never Say Die

Spamtron - Never Say Die (2009)
I had to post about SPAMTRON’s album NEVER SAY DIE, because it is current residing as chief hotness in my headphones. Hard but not overly agressive, NEVER SAY DIE is high-energy electro chip goodness. Spamtron even throws it back with tracks like “Chrono Tripper” and “Wizards and Wozzards.”

I can’t stop listening to the track “No Noobs Pros Only.” Here’s what it sounds like.


Both of Spamtron’s albums are available for free on his website, iAmSpamtron.com.