Tag Archives: sega

halc – Hydrocity

Back in April I started a netlabel for my two favorite things, Chiptunes and Video Game music, called GameChops. Since then, it’s grown faster than I imagined, and today I am pleased to announce the release of a new, free album from the one and only halc.

halc is a composer, remixer and Overclocked Remix judge. His album, Hydrocity, seemlessly fuses chiptune, electro, dubstep, FM funk and jazz. Halc writes:

“Inspired by such visionary minds as Joshua Morse, P Villa, and Savant, this album has everything from chiptune-influenced electro and dubstep to ambient beats, FM funk and jazz fusion, delightfully blended and compiled into a 40-minute package. The album also features an arrangement of the ever-popular ‘Hydrocity Zone’ music from Sonic the Hedgehog 3, and guest appearances by fellow OC ReMix legends Level 99 and WillRock.

Follow halc: Bandcamp | Soundcloud | Facebook | Twitter

Handheld SNES

Video Game Accessory maker and wholesaler HyperKin is creating a hand held system that plays SNES cartridges. On top of that, it features two ports for the use of real Super Nintendo controllers, a huge plus for the old school gaming fanatic. The device is known as the SupaBoy and is due for a release soon. The console features:

+ Plays all American SNES cartridges, not PAL or Japanese

+ Weighs 318g

+ 3.5 inch LCD screen

+ A/V sterio output to hook up to a television

+ Two Super Nintendo controller ports on the device to play with friends

Hyperkin is the same company that made my personally favorite possession, the Retron3, a hybrid system that plays regular NES, SNES and Sega Genesis games. I bought mine through Amazon.

MegaMan Music on Sega SoundChip

I’ll admit, I had heard of The Wily Wars but I had never played it, in fact I had no idea what it was. Turns out The Wily Wars was a game for the Sega Mega Drive (aka Genesis) in 1994 that comprised of ported versions of MegaMan 1, 2 and 3, originally for the Nintendo Entertainment System.

[audio: rm2-01-prologueandtitletheme.mp3]

What’s totally rad about this game, is all the music is re-done to play on Sega’s hardware. What that means for turbo geeks out there, if you’re into that crunch, crisp, punchy FM Synth sound, the Soundtrack for The Wily Wars has remakes of all of the MegaMan music from the first three games. Some are better than others, and some total kick ass.

The MegaMan Network has the soundtrack up as a free download! totally awesome!

And you know I had to post the CUTMAN theme >B] [audio: rm1-03-cutmanstage.mp3]


Sonic in Moscow

The credit music for Sonic 3 and Michael Jackson’s Stranger In Moscow have long been compared to each other. Before MJ’s death, the similarity between these two songs was regarded as conspiracy theory. Recently, information and interviews have been rising to the surface that support this story; Michael Jackson wrote music for Sonic 3.

Unfortunately, Michael Jackson was uncredited for his work. Due to a number of factors, Sega decided to remove his name from their flagship title shortly before release. However, there wasn’t enough time to write new music to replace MJ’s pieces, so the original Genesis carts shipped with Michael’s awesome tunes.

When I learned about this, I immediately went searching for what the Sonic music would sound like with MJ’s vocals. I found a surprising number of “mashups”, but they were kind of weird, muddy, or out-of-sync. So I made this remix, up to the standards of a recording engineer. I’m happy to hear the vibe of both pieces seems to have been preserved.

All samples are from the Sega Genesis release of Sonic The Hedgehog 3 and the vocal track from Michael Jackson’s Stranger in Moscow. I discovered through compression, I was able to bring out the other instruments that were playing through Michael’s headphones during the recording session. Really amazing stuff.

I had a great time working on this mix. Please favorite, comment and share this post with any Sonic, MJ or Chiptune fan. If you’d like to support, add me on Facebook – http://fb.me/djcutman

Sonic in Moscow (Michael Jackson’s Chiptune) by Dj CUTMAN

Mastered by Chris Davidson at Moving Box Studios – 3/15/11