Tag Archives: snes

Friday Freakout: OFF TO NERDAPALOOZA, BIZNATCHES!!! \m|♥|m/

YUP.  As this scheduled write-up automatically releases, Dj Cutman, Obtuse from 8 Bit Power Hour, myself, and a WHOLE MEGAFURKCRAPTON of other awesometastic nerds are headin’ to Nerdapalooza.



What teh furk is Nerda?!?” you dare to ask?? CLICK HERE FOR ANSWERS. Although to sum it up quickly, IT’S A GIANT VGM/CHIPMUSIC/NERDCORE PARTY OF WIN. Just *SO MANY* awesome artists!!! TOO MANY TO LIST!!! (click HERE for a full schedule of the performers). In other words, YOU DON’T WANNA MISS THIS GOODNESS. You may even meet the hot nerdy chick/dude/asexual alien lifeform of your dreams at it, WHO KNOWS??? (met my gf there last year, and we’re still dating! ;D <3 -cue the, “DAWWWWWWWWWWW~” ;3 ). So get your damn tickets already (here or at the event) and GET YOUR ASSES DOWN TO ORLANDO, FLORIDA TO PARTY WITH US!!!

See ya there~<3



Handheld SNES

Video Game Accessory maker and wholesaler HyperKin is creating a hand held system that plays SNES cartridges. On top of that, it features two ports for the use of real Super Nintendo controllers, a huge plus for the old school gaming fanatic. The device is known as the SupaBoy and is due for a release soon. The console features:

+ Plays all American SNES cartridges, not PAL or Japanese

+ Weighs 318g

+ 3.5 inch LCD screen

+ A/V sterio output to hook up to a television

+ Two Super Nintendo controller ports on the device to play with friends

Hyperkin is the same company that made my personally favorite possession, the Retron3, a hybrid system that plays regular NES, SNES and Sega Genesis games. I bought mine through Amazon.

SNES on iPad

SNES (HD) is my iPad port of the popular Super Nintendo emulator Snes9x. Though based on ZodTTD’s iPhone port snes4iphone, Yusef Napora has rewritten most of the iPhone specific code to work within the iPad environment.

You’ll need a jailbroken iPad and iPhone to play, which I don’t have, so I can only imagine how great it is to have an SNES have the size of all those textbooks I never read.

You can get more information, download the source code and donate to the programmer over here at his webpage.

Epic Video Game Medley (On Mario Paint)

There have been a lot of video game tunes re-done through Mario Paint since the release of Mario Paint Composer, but none quite as note-worthy as this one. It is a truly epic use of the platform… if you can even call it that.