This is Open Emu, an open source emulator for Mac computers, with this site you can choose from a wide variety of games and console emulations ranging from Virtual Boy to SNES.
Category Archives: GAMING
SmashTalk – James Landino
Hi all, Cutman here! I just released the second episode of my 1v1 Interview show SmashTalk. The idea combines competitive gameplay with conversatoinal interview. My guest was James Landino, sound designer for Harmonix Music Systems, and video game remixer! Check out the video.
Want more? Watch the pilot episode with Brentalfloss. If you like the show, support it by subscribing to the channel!
Paul Robertson SUPER DINO BOYS Animation
Check out this sweet compilation of the pixel animation series SUPER DINO BOYS by Melbourne based Paul Robertson, who has worked on projects such as Drawn to Life for the DS, Wizorb, Fez, and most recently on Curses ‘N Chaos. You can check out episodes 1-4 after the jump, as well as a massive bump for Adult Swim!
RobotLovesKitty Kickstarter For a Multi-Platform Gameboy Like Emulator Using Raspberry Pi
An Indie gaming company, RobotLovesKitty had the amazing idea to combine the Raspberry Pi’s RetroPie emulation project with a 3d printer to create a gameboy-like handheld that will play NES, SNES, Sega, Playstation 1, Nintendo 64, , x86 PC, Amiga, Sega Genesis, Turbo Grafix 16 and about 20 other formats. The Kickstarter still has a few weeks to go but has already reached its goal and the lower tiers are selling out fast! Get yours while you still can!