PLay TONS of games and compose your own chiptunes with PocketCHIP & PICO-8 , now available for $49 bucks until June. For less than the cost of a ticket to Comic Con, you can begin creating games and composing in the palm of your hand.
The PocketChip site has some demos of games and more information/ideas for things you can do with the tiny console. Continue reading PocketCHIP & PICO-8→
This June, sneaker heads and gamers are going to have a reason to celebrate-not to mention throw down some cash. Vans (your favorite shoes since high school) and Nintendo (your favorite game company since ever) are collaborating on a line of sneakers and they look amazing.
Lately, remaking older games’ levels in the Unreal Engine seems to be in vogue. This latest iteration of nostalgic beauty joins the ranks of its predecessors.
It’s a beautiful spring day and you’re probably stuck inside at your job, when you wish you could be stuck inside playing video games. Or maybe that’s just us. Anyway, take a three minute musical break and travel through the history of iconic video game music courtesy of The KlingDing.