Category Archives: VIDEOS

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D+PAD Hero

A big, not surprising secret, I’m a huge Guitar Hero nerd. Somewhere burried deep in my subconscious I truly believe that a good enough play-through of a song on expert mode accurately simulates what it’s like to play the real song in front of a huge screaming crowd at some ridiculous animated venue. I also was terribly addicted to DDR for my bootleg PS1 back in the day. I blame it for the reason I didn’t eat a Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich until I was 20 years old.

But enough about my pathetic video-game based upbringing, because you absolutely need to go download D+PAD Hero this minute. It’s a rhythm game, like Guitar Hero and DDR, but it’s been created as a NES rom you can play on an emulator. It’s like what rhythm games would have been like if they came out in the 80s. A very cool creation by the D+Pad Hero Team, it features sweet chiptune covers I’ve been listening to on repeat since I started writing this post.

So what are you waiting for? Download D+PAD Hero from!

Chip_Con #1: REBOOT (Brooklyn, NY 8/7/10)

On August 7th 2010 Chip-Con International had their first event, REBOOT, a concert at Little Field, NYC featuring five rock-awesome chiptune artist and one killer VG.

The show featured DEADBEATBLAST, Smiletron, Chromix, I, Cactus, and IAYD, with live visuals by Invader Bacca.

We attended the show, and it was very cool. It was a great experience to meet some of my Chiptune Heros (please Harmonix, don’t make this into a game) and see them throw down live.

I’m consistently blown away by the raw power and crunch behind the DMG Gameboy. Other artists used tools like laptop computers, effects pads, and PSPs.

REBOOT was the first in a series of international chiptune concerts. To get an idea of what when down, check out this video courtesy of DEADBEATBLAST.

Street Fighter Video ATTACK!

I found this video linked up by Twitter user cypherus today, a new short film inspired by an iconic video game, this one titled Street Fighter: Legacy

And what super rad fan film would be complete without a short and sweet behind the scenes?

And then YouTube told me this was sweet and it sure is.

The Chipophone!

DO WANT. Linus Akesson is so cool he built an 8-bit synthesizer inside an old electric organ. I’ve seen this organs all over the place in Ithaca, garages, salvo, street corners, but this has got to be the most totally rad use for one ever. Linus is from Sweden a country I don’t know much about but this video alone makes me want to. The Chipophone is awesome, and Linus has video game music skills with it, dropping into the Tetris theme and closing with a personal favorite from Megaman.