Tag Archives: 8bit

Forest = ВИН!

Здравствуйте! For those of you who don’t speak Russian, Hello! We want to showcase this awesome project between the Chiptunes = WIN and Forest netlabels, Forest = ВИН! (Forest = WIN!)

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Tutorial: How To Patch Japanese Roms for Fan-Made English Translations

We’ve had tons of articles reviewing some amazing romhacks here on videogamedj.com and yet we’ve only scratched the surface of some of the awesome modifications to your classic favorite games that are out there. The tutorial below can help you not only create the altered playable version of any of the games we’ve reviewed from the original ROM, but it can also open up a huge world of fan-translated Japanese games that you can now play in English.

As any gamer knows, classic console gaming was far bigger in Japan than it ever was in North America. This fact and the lag between getting games translated and new consoles taking over the market lead to a number of incredibly polished, classic gaming masterpieces never getting translated and/or never being released to the North America market.


This is especially true of the SNES/Genesis era when roleplaying games in particular started to become epic works of art with beautiful soundtracks. It’s an interesting period to revisit. You can see the origins many game ideas that are now common – branching plots, real-time RPG battles and character development that impacts the ending – they all got their start in some of these lost gems.

While some of these games have been translated and released officially on other platforms, some have not. Some of the official translations are inferior versions of the originals that don’t quite play the same. Thanks to fan translations that patch the original rom with english text, you can enjoy these games in their original format without learning Japanese first.

While some of the patched English ROMs are available for direct download, many are not. The patches and Japanese ROMs are easier to get, so its up to you to do the patching. Here’s a quick run through on how to do it.

Continue reading Tutorial: How To Patch Japanese Roms for Fan-Made English Translations

Flash Man (James Landino Remix)

STOP! It’s time (see what I did there?) to listen to the newest GameChops single–Flash Man (James Landino Remix)

Flash Man (James Landino Remix) Available Now

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Become A GameChops Ambassador!

If you’re a fan of Dj CUTMAN’s music label GameChops, and a content creator you can now apply to join the GameChops Ambassador Program (GCAP).

The GCAP program is available to content creators, streamers, and journalists who have a focus or passion for video games and music. Ambassadors will be helping GameChops reach larger audiences while getting free music, exclusive early access, and other benefits which will be developed over the course of the program.

GameChops is an independent record label, based in Philadelphia, and if you’re accepted we just ask that you share music on release day. If you receive advance copies from GCAP, it always helps if you purchase and post reviews for songs you enjoy. With GCAP you can help us share some of the world’s best video game music.

You can fill out the application here!