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Tag Archives: live show
Mega Ran at MAGfest
MAGfest will be welcoming back everyone’s favorite Philly-born rap hero, Mega Ran! Raheem Jarbo, aka Mega Ran, is a world-renowned nerdcore rapper, combining hip-hop, chiptune, and video game music into arguably the coolest rap genre out there. He will be joined onstage by special guest performers and frequent collaborators: K-Murdock, SkyBlew, D&D Sluggers, Sammus, KadeshFlow, 1-Up, and more! Continue reading Mega Ran at MAGfest
Dj CUTMAN Starts an Internet Radio Show: This Week In Chiptune
UPDATE: You can now Subscribe on iTunes to This Week In Chiptune’s Podcast, the full shows downloaded right to iTunes!
It’s not exactly Radio, Dj CUTMAN has been using the streaming DJ site Mixify to host a live show each week highlighting new music in the chiptune world. There’s been two episodes so far, and while a regular day of the week hasn’t been decided on for the show, the future seems bright for this as a series.
Two episodes of This Week In Chiptune are already available on Dj CUTMAN’s Soundcloud, Mixcloud, PodOMatic and Mixify pages. If you like keeping up-to-speed on what’s happening in the chiptune world, or just like hearing new music, consider signing up for a Mixify account to be notified when Cutman will be streaming next (it’s super fast via Facebook Connect.)
Chiptunes = WIN: Volume 2 open for submissions!!!
YUP. You read that header correctly:
And by volume 2 I mean the true sequel to the wide open, ALL chipartists invited, worldwide, monster compilation that we unleashed on the chipworld last summer.
Yup. That’s right. Open to EVERYBODY. And the submission deadline isn’t until June 17th, so you’ve ALL got plenty of time. ;)
For some details on the project, check out this video of me excitedly rambling about it:
Snarkyass monkey hat…. >_> THAT’S THE LAST TIME I WEAR YOU IN A VIDEO!!! :P
At any rate, for FULL info on the project (including many of the finer details that I failed to mention in the vid :3 ), give the project gdoc a good read here:
Chiptunes = WIN: Volume 2 – Project Details Document
It’s damn hard to believe that it’s been nearly a year since this whole ChipWIN compilation business got started. And I can’t think of a better way to celebrate it than with this.
Enough chat!! LET’S DO IT TO IT, Y’ALL!! ^_^
Chiptunes = WIN:
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Andrew Kilpatrick: | The Waveform Generators | Bandcamp | Weekly Treats
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Crossposted to the ChipWIN Blog HERE for extra awesome!! ^_^