Category Archives: ALBUMS

Piko Piko Detroit Releases The Midwest Compilation

Here's the gorgeous hard copy version of the Piko Piko Compilation.
Here’s the gorgeous hard copy version of the Piko Piko Compilation.

Piko Piko Detroit is a net label run by Pikoboy and Snesei, two hard-working musicians and fans of VGM and chiptune. These two guys have pretty much have single-highhandedly created an active and exciting chiptune scene in Detroit. They recently put out a big call for all midwest chip musicians to join forces and create a compilation of epic video game tracks representing the region. The Piko Piko Midwest Compilation is available here for your download.  Here’s a quick review of what to expect in this massive 49-track album!

There is a lot of variety on this album. I can’t even begin to explain the differnces in styles and music. Tracks range from straight-up LSDj tracks to remixed tracks. Both of the Piko Piko founders contribute totally awesome tracks, SNESei’s track, Virtual Epilepsy is a great dance track that keeps your head moving. Pikoboy’s track, The Truth has some awesome effects-laden vocals that will get stuck in your head. I also really enjoyed Saskroch’s track Found, with a lot of chip flavors and some dynamic changes. Komissar’s Dynamite Girl is a standout Gameboy track as well. The two Sega Genesis FM synthesis tracks by Plants>Humans and Diode Milliampere also stand out; you’ll swear its a track from Sonic when those first drum of Plant>Human’s notes hit.

Some of the more blended chiptune fusion tracks also add some variety. My Life Is Pixels track sort of reminds me of Snow Patrol mixed with some chiptune sounds. Happenstance’s track has a chill  Trentemøller-styled vibe that I can’t get enough of. Awkward Terrible’s rocking song, complete with vocals, is also a dynamic and exciting stand-out track. I really wish I had time to write something about every single track. There really isn’t a bad track on the disk. The straight-up hardware tracks are interesting, inventive and full of suprises and the fusion tracks mix things up in a good way. Check it out today!

Piko Piko isn’t done yet. In fact, they’re hosting a 2-day 8-bit festival in downtown Detroit at the end of the month. Detroit is where lots of underground music started and blew up (I mean, techno, for one!) It looks like it’s going to become more than a blip on the map of the chiptune scene too. Check out their upcoming events at!


Screen Shot 2013-05-03 at 2.36.44 PMBeatscribe is a full time indie composer, musician and writer. By day he creates soundtracks for various mobile gaming companies, by night creates megaman-inspired chiptunes, in the afternoons he drinks tea. Check out his latest releases, tutorials and retro ruminations at

[ Dimensons ] by Auxcide

2720227406-1I first encountered Auxcide shortly after the initial ChipWIN compilation released last summer (has it really  almost been a year already?!?).  The chiptune prowess of both his Pxl-Bot compilation submission & debut album “Of Atoms and Stardust”  impressed me so much that it garnered one of my earlier Friday Freakout reviews (which I miss the fire out of doing, but no time lately!!). Since then Bryan has continued to further develop and grow his artistry into what I feel is one of the premier voices of modern chipmusic. His latest release [ Dimensions ] also via Pxl-Bot (a stellar team-up imho!) is as strong a proof of this opinion as I could possibly even dream to reference. It is straight-up, no hyperbole whatsoever one of the supernova brightest shining examples of the current chipscene.

Seriously, anyone who listens to this & still honestly thinks chiptune is dead can go f*ck a duck.

Much \m||m/ as always,

Chiptunes = WIN: Volume 2 open for submissions!!!

YUP. You read that header correctly:




And by volume 2 I mean the true sequel to the wide open, ALL chipartists invited, worldwide, monster compilation that we unleashed on the chipworld last summer.

Yup. That’s right. Open to EVERYBODY. And the submission deadline isn’t until June 17th, so you’ve ALL got plenty of time. ;)

For some details on the project, check out this video of me excitedly rambling about it:



Snarkyass monkey hat…. >_> THAT’S THE LAST TIME I WEAR YOU IN A VIDEO!!! :P

At any rate, for FULL info on the project (including many of the finer details that I failed to mention in the vid :3 ), give the project gdoc a good read here:

Chiptunes = WIN: Volume 2 – Project Details Document

It’s damn hard to believe that it’s been nearly a year since this whole ChipWIN compilation business got started. And I can’t think of a better way to celebrate it than with this.

Enough chat!! LET’S DO IT TO IT, Y’ALL!! ^_^


Chiptunes = WIN:
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Crossposted to the ChipWIN Blog HERE  for extra awesome!! ^_^

Photoshop by the always awesome Oliver Campbell of
Photoshop by the always awesome Oliver Campbell of

Smooth McGroove Releases an Album of Awesome VGM Acapellas

2283838841-1YouTube user Smooth McGroove has been popping up on my facebook feed a lot lately, first with the epic rendition of Spark Mandrill from MegaMan X embedded below.

Smooth McGroove does an impressive job of performing the game music he selects, and his arrangements are as creative as they are entertaining. His cat usually shows up on one of the takes, which is a recipe for internet success. From a technical standpoint, his songs are cleanly produced, properly mixed, and an all around joy to listen to. He’s offered 22 tracks for $9 from Bandcamp, and with a deal like that it’s hard to pass up! Stream the whole album for free below and click the Buy link to purchase a download. If you can’t shell out a few bucks to support this guy, follow Smooth McGroove on Facebook and Twitter, and subscribe on YouTube.