Tag Archives: 8-bit

Dj CUTMAN Starts an Internet Radio Show: This Week In Chiptune

This-Week-In-Chiptune-Soundcloud-art-UPDATE: You can now Subscribe on iTunes to This Week In Chiptune’s Podcast, the full shows downloaded right to iTunes!

It’s not exactly Radio, Dj CUTMAN has been using the streaming DJ site Mixify to host a live show each week highlighting new music in the chiptune world. There’s been two episodes so far, and while a regular day of the week hasn’t been decided on for the show, the future seems bright for this as a series.

Two episodes of This Week In Chiptune are already available on Dj CUTMAN’s Soundcloud, Mixcloud, PodOMatic and Mixify pages. If you like keeping up-to-speed on what’s happening in the chiptune world, or just like hearing new music, consider signing up for a Mixify account to be notified when Cutman will be streaming next (it’s super fast via Facebook Connect.)

Chiptunes = WIN: Volume 2 open for submissions!!!

YUP. You read that header correctly:




And by volume 2 I mean the true sequel to the wide open, ALL chipartists invited, worldwide, monster compilation that we unleashed on the chipworld last summer.

Yup. That’s right. Open to EVERYBODY. And the submission deadline isn’t until June 17th, so you’ve ALL got plenty of time. ;)

For some details on the project, check out this video of me excitedly rambling about it:



Snarkyass monkey hat…. >_> THAT’S THE LAST TIME I WEAR YOU IN A VIDEO!!! :P

At any rate, for FULL info on the project (including many of the finer details that I failed to mention in the vid :3 ), give the project gdoc a good read here:

Chiptunes = WIN: Volume 2 – Project Details Document

It’s damn hard to believe that it’s been nearly a year since this whole ChipWIN compilation business got started. And I can’t think of a better way to celebrate it than with this.

Enough chat!! LET’S DO IT TO IT, Y’ALL!! ^_^


Chiptunes = WIN:
Bandcamp | Fb Group | Fb Page | Twitter
Soundcloud | Youtube | Tumblr | Myspace

Dj CUTMAN.com | Gamechops.com | Videogamedj.com
Fb Page | Twitter | Soundcloud

Andrew Kilpatrick:
Pxl-bot.com | The Waveform Generators | Bandcamp | Weekly Treats

Fb Page | Bandcamp | Soundcloud | Twitter

8 Bit Power Hour on 8bitx.com

Crossposted to the ChipWIN Blog HERE  for extra awesome!! ^_^

Photoshop by the always awesome Oliver Campbell of attackinitiative.com.
Photoshop by the always awesome Oliver Campbell of attackinitiative.com.

Tutorial: Pick Apart a Gameboy Song with an Emulator / Recreate in LSDJ: Metroid II Return of Samus

It's not the perfect sequel to the original, but it's a solid and atmospheric game that continued the traditions of Metroid.
It’s not the perfect sequel to the original, but it’s a solid and atmospheric game that continued the traditions of Metroid.

The Metroid series is known for its awesome music. I think I fell in love with NES music after hearing the Brinstar theme for the first time. I’ve also never been so terrified as the first time I entered a Chozo Room area and heard that creepy, alien noise start playing. It only got better as time went on; Super Metroid and Metroid Prime are two of the most amazing game soundtracks ever.

Metroid II: Return of Samus, for the most part, does not measure up to the rest of the series. However, it does have an AWESOME song in the first area. Surface of  SR388 is one of the most uplifting and exciting songs I’ve ever hard on the Gameboy.

I decided I’d try my hand at building it in LSDJ just to get a handle on how it was composed. This video will walk you though it if you’d like to give it a shot. You’ll learn a lot of core concepts of LSDJ in the process. This video isn’t meant to be a full blown tutorial but it will help you look at the composing element of creating music with the Gameboy.

Sadly, the rest of Metroid II has pretty irritating music. I get that they wanted to make erie alien noises but most of it is just annoying screeches and random bits of music that just get annoying. Even with its faults, though, this is one of the best Gameboy games out there. I think it feels more alien and claustrophobic than the other Metroid titles due to the limited palette and graphics on the Gameboy.

BeatScribeFaceBeatscribe is a full time indie composer, musician and writer. By day he creates soundtracks for various mobile gaming companies, by night creates megaman-inspired chiptunes, in the afternoons he drinks tea.  Check out his latest releases, tutorials and retro ruminations at www.beatscribe.com.

Cutman’s Lost Beats & Found Friends

Today is my birthday, and to celebrate I am releasing an album of brand new songs unlike anything I’ve released before. This is significant, not just because it’s my birthday, but because this is the first album I’m releasing without video game remixes or exclusive chiptunes. It’s a collection of six collaborations with other musicians I’ve encountered on my adventures as Dj CUTMAN, including Ben Briggs, Smiletron and Kevin Villecco.

The Dj CUTMAN project started as a video game beatmaking project with live DJ performances. It quickly grew to incorporate my love for original chiptune music. Since then I’ve had the honor of performing as Dj CUTMAN as prestigious events such as Penny Arcade Expo, MAGfest, and Nerdapalooza.

Lost Beats & Found Friends signifies an evolution of the project, so I am dropping the “Dj” from the name of this album and presenting it simply as “Cutman”. There are no video game remixes on the album, but if you listen close you’re sure to hear my influences. The tracks are varied in style and tempo, spanning hiphop to house, with my trademark crisp production style and vintage drum samples.

Lost Beats & Found Friends is currently being offered on music.DjCUTMAN.com with no minimum price to download. If you can’t afford to pay for a download, enter 0 to download for free. Be sure to share the link with friends who may enjoy it!

Download Lost Beats & Found Friends from Bandcamp.