Tag Archives: dj cutman

Dj CUT MAN licensees “Run To Japan”

It’s a big day for me, my original song “Run to Japan” that I recorded at Moving Box Studios just got licensed to Armor Games.

Last year, I wrote a fun little asian-inspired song called “Run to Japan”. I recorded it at Moving Box Studios, I hadn’t written music in a while and needed a break from the other studio works I should have probably been doing. I posted it to Newgrounds, the online flash community, and let it be. It was a fun and kind of dorky little beat, I figured someone would probably dig it. I couldn’t help but imagine animation going along with it, the song structure is progressive and it felt like taking a train into a jungle and then running into a japanese city.

It was around march I was contacted by Newgrounds user Jimp who was working on a game called Sushi Cat, he wanted to use the song in his flash game. Fuckin sweet, go for it. I was recently contacted by a rep from Armor Games who was working on porting the game for the iPhone. We worked out a deal and I granted a license. I framed my contract, cause I’m a huge dork. >B]

DJ CUTMAN Presents: ChipTuneMusic vol. 1 – “Sounds from 20XX”

DJ CUTMAN, just released his first mixtape in the new series ChipTuneMusic, a tribute to the artists who create music from old computers and video game systems. The 25 tracks were collected from the online Chiptune communities 8BitCollective.org and 8BitPeoples.com, websites that offer all of their releases for free. The 70 minute “mixtape” takes you on a journey through the undeniably fun and relentlessly danceable sounds of a The ChipTuneMusic World.

ChipTuneMusic Volume 1

You can learn more about DJ CUTMAN at his website, www.DjCUTMAN.com