Tag Archives: release

Chiptunes = WIN: Volume 2 ~THREE DAYS REMAINING~

With but a few days left before the July 15th release of Chiptunes = WIN: Volume 2, the final touches are being put in place; Dj CUTMAN is preparing the final masters for upload, Kubbi is locking in the track order, & I’m triple checking everything there is to check thrice over & THEN AGAIN. 

In the meantime, HAVE A PROMO VIDEO (full roster listed within):

And how about some KICKASS ALBUM ARTWORK  while you’re at it:

Strikingly beautiful album art by Nate Horsfall of lightningarts.com.
Strikingly beautiful album art by Nate Horsfall of lightningarts.com.





















Regarding Volume 2 merch by Maddie of Pixel Pixie Apparel & PromotionsYES.
(sorry, that’s all you’re getting on that until Monday ;).

And, of course, don’t miss the crazy Vol.2 listening party on 8 Bit Power Hour + Nerd Rock Radio starting at 8pm EST Monday on 8bitx.com (click HERE to go to the Fb event). I expect it to be JUST as ridiculously awesome, awesomely ridiculous as the first one (i.e. VERY much so 8).

3 MORE DAYS, Y’ALL. ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

Much \m||m/,
President Hoodie

ChipWIN Linkage:
Bandcamp Blog Fb Group | Fb Page | Twitter | 
Tumblr | Soundcloud | Youtube | Email

Cross posted to The ChipWIN Blog for extra awesome! =D

EDIT: Volume 2 is RELEASED!! Check it out below!! =D

Chema64 – Zapotecno

Chiptune’s ‘official’ Mexican exporter, Chema64, has returned with a new collection of tracks spanning four years and four consoles. Released on his own label, 56kbps Records, Chema64’s infectious jams are sure to remind the world that, along with Pulselooper and Chilean Analog, South America should not be underestimated as a producer of chiptune. One thing ‘Zapotecno’ does well is traverse genres. Tracks ‘Machines of Loving Grace’ and ‘Fin del Mundo del Fin’ both contain nods at metal a la 90s VGM faux-thrash (think Duke Nukem 3D’s soundtrack). Elsewhere, album closer, ‘Quetzalli’, has a euphoric Saturday Morning theme tune pop atmosphere, with the accompanying hook-laden melodies lodged within its crevasses. The apex of the release really does come past the mid-point, however, and to be honest if the first four tracks had been cut the five remaining would have created a far more cohesive and powerful statement. The sounds present within ‘Dubtrip’ and ‘Featherblade’ are one of a kind, in fact the horn-like glissando harmonies on the climax of the latter sent goosebumps shooting up my arm. The spaced out atmosphere and throttling basslines of ‘Datavoid’ created a nice chunk of variation, and ‘Quetzalli’ has quite possibly one of the greatest selections of melodies to be released this year. Whilst on the first few listens the sometimes repetitive and often hap-hazard sounding melodies might deter future listens, I would implore you to persevere. Unlike the adrenaline ladled ‘unce’ of most of his contemporaries, Chema64’s real strengths lie in his understated melodic hooks. What on first listens might appear like a jumble of erratic notes will quickly become nine tracks of greatly varying character and undeniable brilliance. So, with the amateurish tones of ‘BROWNWAVE’ and dud melodies in ‘Megameng II’ aside, this release is fantastic. Given the time, ‘Zapotecno’ will likely become a mainstay in your listening repertoire, and such a unique one at that. If this is the level of quality produced elsewhere in South America, the rest of the world should definitely take note.

Grab the release here.

Written by Andrew Kilpatrick for his blog The Waveform Generators.

Chiptunes = WIN: Volume 2 open for submissions!!!

YUP. You read that header correctly:




And by volume 2 I mean the true sequel to the wide open, ALL chipartists invited, worldwide, monster compilation that we unleashed on the chipworld last summer.

Yup. That’s right. Open to EVERYBODY. And the submission deadline isn’t until June 17th, so you’ve ALL got plenty of time. ;)

For some details on the project, check out this video of me excitedly rambling about it:



Snarkyass monkey hat…. >_> THAT’S THE LAST TIME I WEAR YOU IN A VIDEO!!! :P

At any rate, for FULL info on the project (including many of the finer details that I failed to mention in the vid :3 ), give the project gdoc a good read here:

Chiptunes = WIN: Volume 2 – Project Details Document

It’s damn hard to believe that it’s been nearly a year since this whole ChipWIN compilation business got started. And I can’t think of a better way to celebrate it than with this.

Enough chat!! LET’S DO IT TO IT, Y’ALL!! ^_^


Chiptunes = WIN:
Bandcamp | Fb Group | Fb Page | Twitter
Soundcloud | Youtube | Tumblr | Myspace

Dj CUTMAN.com | Gamechops.com | Videogamedj.com
Fb Page | Twitter | Soundcloud

Andrew Kilpatrick:
Pxl-bot.com | The Waveform Generators | Bandcamp Weekly Treats

Fb PageBandcamp | Soundcloud | Twitter

8 Bit Power Hour on 8bitx.com

Crossposted to the ChipWIN Blog HERE  for extra awesome!! ^_^

Photoshop by the always awesome Oliver Campbell of attackinitiative.com.
Photoshop by the always awesome Oliver Campbell of attackinitiative.com.

Friday Freakout: Prepare thyselves for… LORDS OF THUNDER!!! \m||m/

The wonderfulness of chipWINter has been happily released to the intertoobs, & thus all is good & swell in ChipWINmas Land once again. SHINY.  ^_^ 


And now with that outta my way…





THAT’S RIGHT.  A brand spankin’ new SUPER METUL, SUPER BADASS  VGM band is coming to 2nd stage at MAGFest 11 to MELT *ALL* OF THE GORRAM FACES!!!

We’ll be covering the VERY METUL  tracks from the Sega CD version of Lords of Thunder, along with some other fresh  (AND DID I MENTION METUL?!?)  video game music!!



~Mike “Paladin” Villalobos of Descendants of Erdrick – METULASS GUITAR

~Daniel “The Beast” Tidwell – METULASS GUITAR

~Mateo “Lord Smithy” Marshall of Those Who Fight – METULASS KEYS

~John “Falconer” Pike of Descendants of Erdrick – METULASS DRUMS

~Brandon “Sir Hoodie” Hood of Chiptunes = WIN – METULASS BASS







Rendundant Lords of Thunder linkage:
LoT Fb page
LoT Twitter
LoT Youtube