Tag Archives: release

Friday Freakout: OH HAI GAIZ =D

[box type=”bio”] Brandon Hood runs the Chiptunes = WIN \m|♥|m/ facebook group, where Chipmusicians from around the world share their music and particpate in projects in a public forum. [/box]

Brandon L Hood aka. Hoodie, Hoodlum1436, Brandon the Belligerexcellent, self-appointed Champion of Chiptunes, Mr. Metroid beer pong table himself in the (digital) flesh, RITE CHAR! =) Soooo you’re probably thinking, “ZOMGWTFBBQ!!! Hoodie is writing Chip & VGM reviews/blurbs/excited goobledygook on VideoGameDJ.com now??? THAT IS SO AWESUM!!!!!!!!11101010 =DDDD” Well, that or mebbe “WhoTF is this monkeybutt farthole??” ;3 To answer that 2nd more likely question, I am just a funloving, overly excitable, MAGFest/MAGStock/PAX East/Blipfest/Nerdapalooza/etc. crashing, Chiptune dancing, VGM band crowd rocker-outing, awesome Metroid beer pong table party throwing, goofy sonofabiznatch from teh intert000000bs, WUTTEHFERKEVARFTW!! I’m most known from being King Kai of the Chiptunes Facebook group Chiptunes = WIN \m|<3|m/ (WHICH YOU’RE WELCOME TO JOIN IF YOU WAAAAANT ♥). GOOD TIMES, FUN TIMES ALL AROUND! \m|♥|m/ =D

Alright, silly, silly introduction out of the way, ON TO DA POST!!! \m||m/ My first one can be summed up in two simple words:


Alright, so you prolly need more than that. ;3 What we’ve got here izza fan-furkin-tastic Chiptunes compilation put together by Frostbyte/iamclouD & friends. Lotta very  talented Chipartists on this thang, some you may know, some you may not know. ALL AWESOME. Also, did I mention that 100% of all profits from the album sales goes to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation! EXACTLY. Fantastiexcellent Chiptunes + a good cause = MEGACRAPTONS OF WIN. Best $5 (or more if you’re extra awesome! ;D ) you’ll spend in quite awhile. =) So what are you waiting for?? GO SNAG DAT SUCKA!!! =D Annnd share the livin’ crap outta it! Everywhere! Alllllllll over the intertoobs! Kinda like I do. ;3



Smiletron – Vision

Smiletron is the most dedicated musician I have known. From production, to package, to the way the message is delivered, Smiletron’s work is remarkable. His new release, VISION, is ten tracks of progressive chipmusic, offered completely for free. With it, a note:

VISION can be downloaded here. Smiletron can be found on Tumblr and Facebook.

New Smiletron on 11/11/11

[audio: one-polarity1.mp3]

Smiletron released a new EP today, along with this note:

hello friends,

with humility and gratitude, we are very happy to share with you this music. every single song on each record being released today is designed to loop forever, to bring the infinite to within the boundaries of the finite.

here is the first of two records.


you’ll hear from me again this evening. :)

further communication is limited to prevent distortion. ♥


Follow Smiletron on Facebook.

Kedromelon: Sky Attack EP

From Frederick, Maryland, chiptune musician Kedromelon composes and performs electronic dance music using Nintendo Game Boys. Currently residing in New York City, Kedromelon recently released Sky Attack EP on Bandcamp for the free if need be Pay-What-You-Want. Danacable, upbeat chiptunes with great production. BRKBRKBRK!! Have a listen:

Follow Kedromelon on Facebook and Twitter!