Category Archives: RETRO GAMES

Retro Gamers Rejoice! Jet-Paco is Coming to NES, IRL

Let us all take a moment to appreciate 8-bit gaming on the Nintendo Entertainment System. The NES was– and still is– awesome, and if you don’t think the NES is awesome, you’re probably just bad at playing NES games.  Or maybe you’ve experienced a traumatic incident involving a Nintendo being used as a weapon. I’m not here to judge, but you gotta face those demons.

Anyway, people are still making NES games. Continue reading Retro Gamers Rejoice! Jet-Paco is Coming to NES, IRL

Open Emu an open source emulator for Mac!

This is Open Emu,  an open source emulator for Mac computers, with this site you can choose from a wide variety of games and console emulations ranging from Virtual Boy to SNES.


Continue reading Open Emu an open source emulator for Mac!

Team of Programmers Recreates the N64’s Ocarina of Time in Glorious 16-bit 2D

It may seem a bit backwards to take a 3D game and recreate it as a 2D one, but, the results are very promising. Check out the boss fight at the end of this video. It’s like finding a all-new SNES Zelda game. The project is only 15% done (started last year) and the programmers have already received some letters from Nintendo, but not a formal cease and desist. We can only hope that they can complete this awesome project soon! It’s definitely more interesting to me than the attempt to make Zelda 1 into 3D.

They even recently announced that a multiplayer online mode will be coming. How this functions, I can only guess. Maybe it’s like Secret of Mana, same game, but with multiple swords swinging? It seems the project is completely non-profit, just a work of true fans. Check it out today. Playable demos are available.



Screen Shot 2013-05-03 at 2.36.44 PMBeatscribe is a full time indie composer, musician and writer. By day he creates soundtracks and sfx for various mobile gaming companies, by night creates megaman-inspired chiptunes, in the afternoons he drinks tea. Check out his latest releases, tutorials and retro ruminations at

Kickstarter Alert: Amazing Retro Shooter Starr Mazer to Feature Many Chiptune Artists if Stretch Goal Reached

Imagos Software only has a few days left to raise $10,000 on their kickstarter for an amazing game that combines SCUMM elements with SHMUP fun! As chiptune fans, not only do we have a possibility of getting an awesome game for PC, Mac and Linux (possibly the consoles should they hit their stretch goal), but the possibility of getting almost 4 albums filled with chiptune regulars like Alex Mauer, Bright Primate, Cheap Dinosaurs and more should they reach their stretch goal. It’s definitely worth putting some money towards. The T-Shirt is really slick looking too.



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