Tag Archives: ep

[ Dimensons ] by Auxcide

2720227406-1I first encountered Auxcide shortly after the initial ChipWIN compilation released last summer (has it really  almost been a year already?!?).  The chiptune prowess of both his Pxl-Bot compilation submission & debut album “Of Atoms and Stardust”  impressed me so much that it garnered one of my earlier Friday Freakout reviews (which I miss the fire out of doing, but no time lately!!). Since then Bryan has continued to further develop and grow his artistry into what I feel is one of the premier voices of modern chipmusic. His latest release [ Dimensions ] also via Pxl-Bot (a stellar team-up imho!) is as strong a proof of this opinion as I could possibly even dream to reference. It is straight-up, no hyperbole whatsoever one of the supernova brightest shining examples of the current chipscene.

Seriously, anyone who listens to this & still honestly thinks chiptune is dead can go f*ck a duck.

Much \m||m/ as always,

Cutman’s Lost Beats & Found Friends

Today is my birthday, and to celebrate I am releasing an album of brand new songs unlike anything I’ve released before. This is significant, not just because it’s my birthday, but because this is the first album I’m releasing without video game remixes or exclusive chiptunes. It’s a collection of six collaborations with other musicians I’ve encountered on my adventures as Dj CUTMAN, including Ben Briggs, Smiletron and Kevin Villecco.

The Dj CUTMAN project started as a video game beatmaking project with live DJ performances. It quickly grew to incorporate my love for original chiptune music. Since then I’ve had the honor of performing as Dj CUTMAN as prestigious events such as Penny Arcade Expo, MAGfest, and Nerdapalooza.

Lost Beats & Found Friends signifies an evolution of the project, so I am dropping the “Dj” from the name of this album and presenting it simply as “Cutman”. There are no video game remixes on the album, but if you listen close you’re sure to hear my influences. The tracks are varied in style and tempo, spanning hiphop to house, with my trademark crisp production style and vintage drum samples.

Lost Beats & Found Friends is currently being offered on music.DjCUTMAN.com with no minimum price to download. If you can’t afford to pay for a download, enter 0 to download for free. Be sure to share the link with friends who may enjoy it!

Download Lost Beats & Found Friends from Bandcamp.

Friday Freakout: THE BITMAN LEVELS UP!!!

Artistic growth is an awesome thing to behold.  To witness an artist’s humble beginnings, their developmental period (which some might say never truly ends with an active artist!), and their transition into a truly legitimate, confident professional in their field; just AWESOME.  Truth be told, I feel as if I’ve witnessed at least a part of this progression with today’s artist and his latest release:

Epic Elevator Music
by The Bitman

To start off, “Epic Elevator Music” is eight *STELLAR*  tracks of hard hitting, powerfully driven, yet wildly stylistically varied LSDj goodness of the highest mark.  It’s another one of those chipalbums that I knew would be an instant favorite of mine before the first track even finished, and 100% confirmed after about eight back-to-back playthroughs. DAMN GOOD JAMS

It’s upon comparison to Max Dolensky aka The Bitman‘s previous two EPs from earlier in the year, “Ten Day EP” & “Nimbus“, that his growth becomes strikingly apparent. Neither of these albums are bad. In fact, they’re both quite solid & worthy of downloading! That said, EEM is on a completely different level of chipartistry. The complexity of the compositions, the more intricately designed melodic structures, the wonderful variety and blending of different musical styles, the greater aptitude regarding LSDj composition and mixing technique; everything is better, stronger, catchier, more aptly composed & inspired

According to Max, some of this development simply comes from gaining more experience with his craft, but the lion’s share of it comes from gaining more experiences.  By this he means learning from and collaborating with other chipartists and awesome people within the scene, and of course by participating in live performances. BRKfest in general stands out as a poignant turning point in his chipmusic career, much as it does for so many other chipartists that attended &/or performed at it. (For more thoughts straight from The Bitman himself, keep an eye out for an in-depth transcript of our *AMAZING* chat coming soon to the ChipWIN blog!!).

But if you think The Bitman has reached his developmental plateau, check out this rough draft of a brand new track he’s working on:

Right at the start, the powerfully sexy vibe and addition of the live brass (!!!) set this track apart from his already unique & established stylings, hinting at the potential for even further  artistic development & just the overall exceptional  future he has in store. And if you’re interested in seeing how that pans out (and how can you NOT  be after hearing that track?!!?!?), you should probably stay tuned to The Bitman in the near future (i.e. more like this coming very soon~ ;).  

While you’re here don’t miss the article written about him recently in the school paper of his Alma mater, the University of Alabama. It’s complemented by a video interview as well, which you can check out here:

But enough of my blathering already! Get to the real  reason you’re here: listening to some AWESOME CHIPMUSIC!! 8) And while you’re doing that, make sure to donate some $$ to the “help Max not be a broke college student” fund. Always a worthy cause, especially when there’s more artistry to develop. ^_^


Friday Freakout DOUBLE FEATURE: Those Who Fight & Knight of the Round albums UNLEASHED!!!

-takes last swig of beer, downs a shot of Maker’s Mark- Yeaaaah, it’s gonna be one of those kinda reviews, people!! Just back the F*CK out now  if you’re not ready for the excessively fierce, yet completely warranted  hype-a-palooza that’s coming ‘atcha this time around!! And this freakout, not just ONE  completely awesome album write-up, but TWO COMPLETELY AWESOME ALBUM WRITE-UPS!!!
…or rather one write-up about two albums. WUTTEHFUKEVAR!!! HERE GOES NOTHING~

The Fall of Bahamut by Those Who Fight
Gaia’s Bane by Knight of the Round



Yeah, this is absolutely a Friday Final Fantasy  Freakout if ever there was one!! On one hand you’ve got the release of the long-awaited 4 track EP from the Final Fantasy inspired rock opera powergroup Those Who Fight, with members from mainstay VGM bands Armcannon, Descendants of Erdrick, & Year 200x. And then on the other is Knight of the Round, a wickedly brutal 4 piece FF metal band from bumf*ck Indiana blasting out of the gate with a full length debut album of epic proportions!!!

“Wutevar, Barndo! Ive herd finul fantasee bans befer. Dis has been dun.”


In all seriousness, both  of these bands display an insane  level of musicianship and extraordinary creativity with their arrangements that clearly sets them apart, even within the overly talented VGM scene! It is NOTHING LIKE  any Final Fantasy OST re-imagining you’ve been exposed to before, and yet they both stand out in completely different ways! Those Who Fight have crafted an entirely new narrative to wrap their multi-vocalist lead  re-imagining of FF tracks around, whereas Knights of the Round have bathed theirs so deeply in so much violently heavy molten metal that Nobuo Uematsu himself would have to listen twice to recognize!! In fact, aside from said FF inspirations there’s only one way in particular that these two bands are truly reminiscent of each other:

THEY BOTH KICK MEGAF*CKSHITTONS OF ASS!!!  (okay, so the seriousness didn’t last… I CAN’T HELP IT!! I’M LISTENING TO THEIR MUSIC AS I WRITE!!!!!!111123456789KABOOMITY~).

And oh yeah, wanna chance to catch some of this Square action live?? THEN COME TO MAGFEST 11 IN JANUARY!!!!  KotR will be DESTROYING  2nd stage,  provided their  folky, acoustic cohorts, The World Is Square, haven’t already WEIRDED IT UP BEYOND REPAIR (yup, they’re playing MAG too!!). No announcement about TWF yet (but there are  more bands to announce after all…), but wow, if they show up there too??

AHHH enough stupid wordy words already!! Quit reading this bullshit AND GO LISTEN, BUY, AND SHARE THE HELL OUTTA THESE ALBUMS ALREADY!!! Otherwise Bahamut is totally gonna fall ON YOUR ASS & Gaia will unleash it’s bane ON YOUR MOTHER!!! 8)
