Tag Archives: chip music

Chiptune Greatness from CasePortman: Samurai Blitz OST

Browsing Bandcamp for new chiptunes and video game music is quickly becoming one of my favorite pastimes, even if it is technically work-related… regardless, today I’ve got quite a gem of a soundtrack to share with you! Samurai Blitz is a mobile runner / platformer / hack n’ slash hybrid with beautiful pixel artwork and fantastic music. Kick back and take a listen to the OST right here:

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Too Many Chiptunes

The phenomenon of Too Many Cooks, the faux sitcom that circulated on Adult Swim is now a chiptune track.  Catchy, and somewhat infuriating, clip went viral for weeks after it’s release and Rush Coil has managed to make it an even bigger earworm.

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Protostar Remixed Sonic and it’s Mind-Blowing

Thanks to writing for VideoGameDJ, I’ve embarked on a personal mission to seek out as many video game remixes and chiptunes as I can, and share them with you. I’m usually interested in examples that aren’t very well-known, but with tens of thousands of followers and a presence on Monstercat, England-based EDM musician Protostar isn’t exactly “underground”. However,  when I noticed he’s laid his skilled hands on Sonic the Hedgehog, I decided that I would be remiss if I didn’t share it with you. Seriously, just listen to this Chemical Plant Zone remix! Hot damn!

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Nelward’s Fantastic Funky Video Game Remixes

Okay, you might not know this about me: I love video game music. Like, a lot. Personally, I never get tired of hearing new versions of classic tunes, and I also fully support the blatant overuse of video game sound effects and voice clips in any situation. So, it is my absolute delight to introduce you to Nelward. He’s just recently released the creatively-titled Remixes for name-your-price on Bandcamp, and it’s great. Do yourself a favor and listen up:

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