Tag Archives: dj cutman

Dj CUTMAN Shocks the DJ World by Releasing Tracks Before The Show

A DJ’s tracklist is a closely guarded secret by most. The common criticism of the DJ simply “playing other people’s songs” is as persistent as it is frustrating for the hard working performer. Most DJs avoid this critique by playing newly released or underground remixes of popular songs. The average club goer can recognize the song’s melody, but these tracks different enough that most of the audience assumes the DJ is manipulating the track in some way. Most aren’t. The technical job of a DJ is playing pre-recorded songs in order to create a desired atmosphere, be it a club, lounge, wedding, or rave. The Art of DJing is in the techniques, media, style, and equipment used.

Dj CUTMAN shocked the DJ World today when he released his complete tracklist, for his upcoming performance at KATSUCON. The performance, a Dubstep and Video Game rave, will be held on Saturday. The convention held annually in National Harbor, Maryland. For more information, visit katsucon’s website.

DOWNLOAD: djcutman-dubkatsu-tracklist.zip

When asked why he was doing this, Dj CUTMAN responded,

“People like hearing songs they know, right? Well why not let them hear the music before the show. All these tracks were downloaded for free from the internet anyway, might as well share the wealth.”

DOWNLOAD: djcutman-dubkatsu-tracklist.zip

So what do you think about a DJ releasing his tracks online? Let us know by posting a comment below.

Earthbound Tunes!

Hey I’ve got some YouTube videos for you! First is a brand new GameChop put together early this morning, as requested, a tough-as-nails remix of the goofy-ass Mr. Saturn theme song. It’s fun and a half! I’m sorry…. and you’re welcome.

Next up is a pretty dope track by the Famous Rock Candy collab! Check it, and if you like, download the album!

So can you tell I’ve been playing Earthbound lately? Originally known as Mother 2 in Japan, Earthbound is a RPG for the SNES that’s surprisingly humorous and self-referentially for the time it was released. I really like AUTO-WINNING battles if your level is high enough. Really cuts through the fat of level grinding (and my life) Lets end this post with my first Earthbound GameChop:

Dj CUTMAN’s MAGFest 9 Roundup!

MAGFest 9 was insane. It’s hard to put into words. I spent at least ten hours a day at my booth, only made it to one panel, and caught about one song from every band. Could I have had more fun? Probably. Did I have a ton of fun? You bet. Why was it so fun to hang out at a booth, you ask? Well perhaps I can answer that with a YOUTUBE VIDEO >B]

I met a ton of totally awesome people, from beat producer Emrls and DJ AGGRESSION (featured in the video above,) to throwing down at the SECRET RAVE with DJ SyNCeRe and the Chip-Hop pioneer A_Rival. We threw down HARD at 3:00AM on Saturday night at the SECRET RAVE. Special Guest OCREMIX’s BeatDrop came through for a total of FIVE DJs throwing down all at once. The energy was great, the crowd was awesome and the party was NUTS. Here’s some proof:

I couldn’t help myself but get do a little credit animation there at the end.

BUT NO MAGFest9 POST COULD BE COMPLETE without mentioning Emrls’ PROTOMAN BANGER and the chaos that ensued. Hear the beat:

[audio: protomanbanger.mp3]
That’s right, I’m talking about the ELEVATOR PARTIES. The most chaotic chaos one could ever expect, checking into a hotel and trying to make it to their room, this compalation video is blowing up on youtube with a bunch of hilarious and venomous comments on youtube. Missed out? Maybe you’re better off. All I have to say is Don’t Hate! If you don’t like elevators / parties then TAKE THE STAIRS. We all drank like fifty BAWLZ anyway, probably could use burning off all that caffeine!

I hope this has convinced you to GET TO MAFEST next year. It’s the funnest time a nerd can have. and shit man, I didn’t even talk about all the VIDEO GAMES.

This is the longest blog post I’ve ever written. And it’s for a damn deserving group of the most hardworking nerds I’ve ever known. Thank you MAGFest.

Dr. Wily’s Dirty Dubstep Halloween Bootleg

Dr.Wily’s Dirty Dubstep Halloween Bootleg Mix. The mix is as intense it sounds, 40 earpounding minutes of bass warbles and soaring leads to blow your speakers through the roof and off the grid.

Download for free on Soundcloud.