Tag Archives: 8-bit

Nelward’s Fantastic Funky Video Game Remixes

Okay, you might not know this about me: I love video game music. Like, a lot. Personally, I never get tired of hearing new versions of classic tunes, and I also fully support the blatant overuse of video game sound effects and voice clips in any situation. So, it is my absolute delight to introduce you to Nelward. He’s just recently released the creatively-titled Remixes for name-your-price on Bandcamp, and it’s great. Do yourself a favor and listen up:

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Samus Simplified: “MTRD” Pays Tribute to the Classics

The Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) had its 30th birthday on October 18th, so what better way to celebrate the occasion than playing some Metroid? Well, MTRD, to be exact:

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The Rocky Horror Chiptune Show

The unconventional conventionists at geekbeatradio have re-made the cult classic ‘The Rocky Horror Picture Show’ in chiptunes and it is sweeter than Little Nell’s hot patootie. The movie, which is celebrating it’s 40th anniversary this year has been a beacon to weird kids everywhere and has a long celebrated history of live shows, fun songs and debauchery.

Check out some of the re-imagined tunes below:

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Retro Gamers Rejoice! Jet-Paco is Coming to NES, IRL

Let us all take a moment to appreciate 8-bit gaming on the Nintendo Entertainment System. The NES was– and still is– awesome, and if you don’t think the NES is awesome, you’re probably just bad at playing NES games.  Or maybe you’ve experienced a traumatic incident involving a Nintendo being used as a weapon. I’m not here to judge, but you gotta face those demons.

Anyway, people are still making NES games. Continue reading Retro Gamers Rejoice! Jet-Paco is Coming to NES, IRL